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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Require consent option on Macs

lgreitzer 4 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 4 years ago 2

I talked to the live support and they informed me that it is currently impossible for a Mac user to require consent before a technician is allowed to connect to their computer. I have CEO's of companies who use Mac's and don't want technicians to be able to connect without their consent. Can we please get this option added?

Pending Review

Idle time productivity report and monitoring for remote workforce users accessing their PC.

Oliver Kaufhold 4 years ago updated by Boneskull 1 year ago 4

This is a must have during the COVID pandemic for us to monitor and report on user activity. Thanks

Pending Review

Launch unattended access session directly from Connectwise configuration attached to ticket (without the need for CW automate)

info 4 years ago updated by Greg Barber 4 years ago 1

Currently the ScreenConnect button in ConnectWise only allow for launching an attended support session. It would be very practical when we are also able to launch an existing unattended access session directly from a ConnectWise ticket. 
After closing the remote control session, it would be nice that the connection details (including the recording) are added to the ticket. This currently works for adhoc support sessions but not (yet) for unattended sessions.
It is already possible to connect  to unattended sessions from CW Manage, but we do not have CW Manage, so therefore we cannot use this and we like to have this functionality also in CW Manage. 
Since the integration is already working for support sessions, i would think it does not require a lot of additional work to get this also working for unattended sessions.

Pending Review

Fix UI for "Assign Machine" Dropdown User List

Adam Schwartz 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 2

When you have a lot of users, the RemoteWorkforce "Assign Machine" dropdown can be very difficult to navigate. It's a simple HTML dropdown with all the users listed, seemingly in no known order. Finding a user when you have 50+ users is very difficult as the dropdown takes up the entire screen and you still have to scroll up/down at random since there's no order to it.

Easy fix: Please update the UI so that it either is sorted (by name, by date added, or other) and/orr add an autocomplete dropdown such as Select2 - https://select2.org/ so we can type in and get autocomplete results.

Pending Review

Changing folder that powershell scripts are ran from.

Empire IT 5 years ago updated by John McLaren 2 years ago 1

We need the ability to change the folder from which the powershell scripts are ran. c:\windows\temp\screenconnect\(whatever version the agent is on) We can whitelist the folder in our antivirus software but each time the agent upgrades, the folder changes, which means we have to modify the existing whitelist everytime the agent updates. Please help eliminate some of the hassles purchasing your software has caused.

Under Review

Force 2FA everytime option

Intraworks 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 4 years ago 2

Haven't seen this yet, but with so much MSP hacking... we'd appreciate the option to force 2FA every time (not just a new browser)    Its only a matter of time before a tech gets compromised.

Option to select Force 2FA Always either by tech or everyone is just fine.

Under Review

Bulk deploy Chrome OS devices.

Jeremy Smith 5 years ago updated by Bart 4 years ago 3

We have 1500 Chromebooks that we would like to push this out to. Please allow an option to deploy to auto-deploy to Chromebooks. I understand we can install the apps through G Suite, I am referring to adding to our site and applying tags.  Thanks!

Under Review

Remote from Chromebook to PC, able to select one monitor.

hrodriguez 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 1

Cant select one monitor when i remote from a chrome book to a pc. 

Under Review

Add a Mobile Display Limit - Default to 50 perhaps

Matt @ MG 5 years ago updated by Dax 2 years ago 3

Can we get a filter for mobile phone apps for the Display Limit. Perhaps set to 50. I know there currently is one for all devices that is set to 1000. This works great on Desktop Views, but on mobile phones the app freezes and crashes. It would be a much better performance improvement for a separate filter to limit views then on a view for a desktop.

Pending Review

Access - Horizontal Tab Layout

jeffrey wainscott 5 years ago updated by Jeffrey Schmidt 5 years ago 1

It seems that the update to 19.4 moved the navigation tabs from a horizontal layout (header) above the machine information window to a vertical layout, located to the left of the machine information window. This layout is jarring and breaks what was otherwise a very good layout. Can you please revert the navigation tabs to their previous horizontal position or, at the very least, provide an option for end users to toggle the location back to the original position?  It honestly looks like a programming bug.