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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Blank guest monitor not working

Steven Martin 4 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 4 years ago 2

When working remotely I have been using the essentials - blank guest monitor setting to not annoy people in the office. I received a new computer/dock this week and this setting isn't working. I tried changing the driver to the generic microsoft one, and can do so with the laptop display, but the dock display does not allow me to change to this driver. Since it didn't change anything I switched the display driver back to the manufacturers driver

Attached is a screenshot of what happens when I try and of my device manager display adapters. I have not yet been back in the office to see what happens if I disconnect the dock, but I will need the dock connected for access to my extra monitors anyways. 

Image 806


We're sorry to hear about the issues you are experiencing. Please reach out to our Support team for further investigation.

Pending Review

Pronunciation info for contacts

BrianG 4 years ago 0

When we call contacts, some of them have unique pronunciations for their names. Instead of having each tech fumble their name for the first time, it would be helpful to have that stored and visible from the spot where we call them. Can't imagine that would hurt for sales calls either.  Happier clients is a happier MSP relationship.

Pending Review

Allow Bridge Connections to be logged in with own credentials (bug?)

Bas H. 4 years ago 0

1, When you install the BridgeService MSI to a server, and add a Bridge Connection to it, you'll need to authenticate in order to join the RDP Session as you can see in the screenshot below.

Image 730

2. However, the Bridge Extension does NOT allow you to join with your own credentials, only with the specified ones. I want the engineers to join with their own credentials and not with the local Admin Account of the machine. If you remove the specified Domain, User Name and Password and join the session, the window keeps blank.

Image 731

3. I've also tried to use the option "(do not use existing credentials)" but then it will login anyways with the specified credentials.

Image 733

Blank window:

Image 732

So basically (summary):

- Allow engineers to login with their own credentials (or if its a bug, fix the option "do not use existing credentials").

- Why should it be even necessary to verify an account at step 1, since its RDP you should be able to get prompted while joining the virtual machine/RDP session.

Pending Review

use UserPrincipal.DisplayName rather than sAMAccountName for the Host page General tab’s GuestLoggedOnUserName

Stefan Farnik 4 years ago updated by Alex Heylin 4 years ago 1

this would mean that the (powerful) search would find sessions by the end users (real) name.

No more asking or manual look (in AD) up for the account name

Pending Review

automate adding note content from existing agent data - Access

Jacob Kraniak 4 years ago updated by Tal 4 years ago 1

We would like a way to automate adding a note or adding content to a note using a trigger. Taking existing data from the machine and appending it to the note.

In particular, we'd like to record the last logged in user as a note. 

If the guest is signed out, we cannot search by "currently signed in user". If we record the user's name in a note, we will have a way to look up the agent even if the user is signed out.

Pending Review

Grandular Security Permissions

Bartley Davis 4 years ago 0

I would like to request that the "Administer" permission that is added to a Role to be broken out further than it currently is. Right now that permission gives cart blanche access to all administrative functions. I have several managers who need access to create Hosts but I do not want them to have access to administer SAML or other higher level administrative functions. 

I would propose several levels of Administrative rights. 

Super Administrator


Something like that.

Infrastructure changes should only be done by Super Administrator.

Under Review

Modern Authentication Support for Email Send

jhardwick 4 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 4 years ago 1

Support is needed for modern auth sending from Control Cloud instances via Office 365 relay.  I want the emails to come from my domain but relay out via M365.  There is a solution that does this for on-prem Manage customers using Enterprise Apps and modern auth that proxies the SMTP request.  

We need something similar for ScreenConnect and since the code already exists this shouldn't be much work.

Either that or provide a known range of IPs a Cloud instance can send from so we can whitelist those IPs at MS and do an Exchange connector.

Pending Review

Ability to configure that the recording is started automatically when a session starts (with local avi storage)

info 4 years ago updated by Sascha Skeries 4 years ago 1

Currently we can record a session by pressing the record button

By doing so the avi file can be stored on the local computer,

It would be nice that we can enable the record function automatically when a session is started.

Note: this is different from the "extended auditing" function where also each session is automatically recorded. Because then the recording is stored on the ConnectWise Control server. We want to store each session immediately on our local hard disk and not use a tool to download the recording afterwards from the ConnectWise Control server. When we press the record button manually then it works exactly how we like it. We do not like the fact that we have to press the record button always manually when a session is started.

Under Review

See if user doesn't have local admin clearly at connection start

Tom Watt 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 3

This is a critical feature. Please make a serious consideration. We used to use LogMeIn and as soon as the user connected we could tell if they had local admin or not. What is happening is since it's not clear, and most of our users have it, and we're also usually not on the phone to ask the user to cancel the UAC box, I am literally every single day forgetting to check for local admin by hitting CTR-ALT-DEL and waiting for the user to stop trying to enter their own password and then waiting for the dialogue to time out. If maybe it said "NO LOCAL ADMIN" at the top of the screen, or maybe if the border color changed, I wouldn't have daily issues with this.

Pending Review

Toggle dual monitors on Chromebook app

jgarlin 4 years ago updated by Robb 4 years ago 1

Chromebook app will not allow toggling between monitors. Am stuck with long panoramic view of both screens.