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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Disable backstage per machine

rbehnfeldt 3 years ago updated by madd4 1 year ago 3

I need to disable backstage mode per machine, as it is heavily used in our organization, but we don't want everyone to have access to backstage mode for some machines.

Pending Review

Windows 365 - Logon session - choose session at initial connection or default to most recent logged on user

Kevin Brown 3 years ago 0

This is a similar request to the RDP session switching, but for a different use case and service, so I thought this deserved its own Feature Request.

I am trialling the Windows 365 service, which is a Virtual PC sitting on top of Azure Virtual Desktop technology.

By default, the agent connects to the console - which just shows the Lock Screen. I can switch logon session, but these are Virtual PCs (not Terminal Servers), so we will never use the Console session, we are using ScreenConnect to be able to provide remote support to our end-users. 

Ideally I would like to option, maybe during the agent installation, or perhaps an editable option on the dashboard, to automatically connect to the logged on user session.

There will only ever be a console session and a single user session. So for the Cloud-PCs this should be easier to implement.

Or perhaps a global setting that pops up a session dialog chooser if the agent is connected to "console" when you click "Join" ?

This would be incredibly useful.

Pending Review

Option to hide permanent agent install to be hidden from programs and features or ad/remove programs

usshauler 3 years ago updated by Christian Walch 3 years ago 1

Option to hide permanent agent install to be hidden from programs and features or ad/remove programs. This way a user cannot simply uninstall it.

Pending Review

Allow remote/non-admin users to change names of devices

renaemp 3 years ago 0

I have access to over a dozen machines but they are named with a code/id that makes it difficult to know which is which without referencing a legend/list found elsewhere. Our IT/admin folks say they can't change them to 'friendly names' due to issues with some other functionality. So it would be super helpful if I could change the names myself. So "MAC1234" could be renamed to "MAC1234-My Computer," and "WIN4567" could be "WIN4567-Indigo-RIP" etc. Thanks!

Pending Review

Trust this device can this be permanent ?

Giannis Barbounakis 3 years ago updated by Sean Keown 1 year ago 5

Is it possible for the option to "trust this device" to be permanent and not rarely appear ?

We would like to always  have a one time password !!

Image 975

Pending Review

clear command history

jeffrey robinson 3 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 3 years ago 5

clear command history in connectwise control on multiple machines. in the case of running commands with passwords, they stay in the history currently and we have to delete the commands in each machine one at a time. would be better if we could select multiple machines and click clear command history, or similar.

Pending Review

Connect Wise Control - Chat window to come to the front of all apps and windows and beep

Westek 3 years ago updated by Wes Hedrick 3 months ago 3

Connect Wise Control - Chat window to come to the front of all apps and windows and beep

Considering for Future Release

remote print permission without file transfer permission

carl powers 3 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 3 months ago 3

We've created a Control instance just for our customers. We allow them to remote into their work computer(s) remotely using the Remote Workforce extension. Because of the security threat introduced by allowing file transfer capability from computers that we do not manage (home computers), we typically turn off the file transfer permission. Apparently, though, this prevents remote printing from working. It would be nice to be able to allow remote printing (to a physical printer, not print to pdf, etc) without the file transfer capability. Is this possible?


Apologies on this one, we completed this work in 2022 and have updated the documents to reflect this change. If you are on a version higher than 21.15 you can adjust the permissions to best suit your needs.
Remote printing overview - ConnectWise

We had previously attempted a change here , but had to revert in a later version due to some unexpected bugs. We will continue to explore this option but I do not have an ETA.

Pending Review

Remote Workforce SSO

Corbin Viars 3 years ago updated by pat 2 years ago 2

Please allow us to sync out SSO users with the remote workforce app. I shouldn't have to enable local users for a few, non admin users just to allow them to connect to one server. 

Pending Review

Double Sided Printing

Kieren Monaghan 3 years ago 0 1 duplicate

Please allow double sided printing on windows devices. This was a feature on LogMeIn but not control? I feel this is a basic function and affects many remote workers