Welcome to the general discussion forum!

This is a place to discuss tips and tricks with our community, as well as interact with our team!

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Have a feature suggestion? Or need to report a bug? See our main page, find your product, and post your bug or feature!


  • No spam, advertising, or self-promotion.
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  • Only one request per post.
  • Administrators have the ability to moderate the forums, including editing, deleting, and moving posts. Posts may be deleted for any reason, with or without notification.

Tip: Package multiple files into a single tool in your toolbox

Katarina 9 months ago in ScreenConnect 0

Kicking off this forum with a neat thing!

Did you know you can bundle an executable with all its required files into a single tool to use in your toolbox? 

How it works in a nutshell: write a small .bat or .sh script with instructions on how to handle your files, add your files and the script to a .ZIP file, and change the extension to ".scapp".

See the full instructions here!


Product Partners

Jay Shell 7 months ago in ScreenConnect 0

I am looking for Screen Connect product partners who we could meet with to discuss our remote access plans and how that might affect our current use of the Screen Connect products we are licenses to use.