Your requests by status

23 0 1 0 0 1 7 14
All New Under review Planned Started Open: Other Completed Declined

Ability to store customer email address to be used via trigger

Administrator 9 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 7 months ago 3

Ability to add notes directly in session

Administrator 9 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 7 months ago 3

Ability to change chat sound

Administrator 9 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 7 months ago 7

Allow customers to sign up for webinars via Guest Page

Administrator 9 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 7 months ago 3

Add a "CAPS lock is on" indicator to the password fields

Administrator 9 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 7 months ago 9

Add a Password description so users know the requirements

Administrator 9 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 7 months ago 17

Ability to control Chromebook OS

Administrator 9 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 10 months ago 15 6 duplicates
Considering for Future Release

Remember login and password information for mobile apps

Administrator 9 years ago updated by RADRaze2KX 1 year ago 14

Ability to assign guest initiated sessions to a particular host

Administrator 9 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 2
Under Review

Allow host to annotate their screen in a meeting

Administrator 9 years ago updated by bmarien 4 years ago 5 1 duplicate