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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Disable Backstage at the Computer Level

MTHT 2 years ago 0

When working with specific clients there are requirements that prevent any work being done on a non-viewable console. As such we need to disable backstage access to all computer managed under these types of contracts.

The backstage feature should be disabled at the computer level by a setting on the host computer to prevent any user, no matter their access or privilege, from accessing such feature.


Location of phone (740)7768607

Karen Hood 2 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 2 years ago 1


Pending Review

Hide Timeline for a security group

Stephen Thomson 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 2

We need to be able to hide the timeline tab for a specific security group.


Remote login user tracking

Anonymously 2 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 2 years ago 1

How do I identify and track which users logged into my computer(s) using ScreenConnect?  

Pending Review

Provide capability to restrict the Name, Company, Site, Department, Device Type & Tag fields

Kellie Currier 2 years ago 0

Is is possibly to give someone access to the Company, Site, Department, Device Type & Tag field but NOT the Name field? I know I can remove the "Edit Sessions" permissions but I need the user to have access to the Company, Site, Department, Device Type & Tag fields and when I remove the "Edit Sessions" permissions, it all goes away.

Pending Review

License server grace period

LWeb 2 years ago 0

Current behaviour is to block all users from connecting if the host server cannot validate its license against the Connect Wise licensing servers. This appears to be a one time check and the server does not attempt to re-validate. The only way to recover the situation is to reboot or restart the Screen Connect services - customers can then take an hour or more to re-appear as online.

1. Implement a periodic license check, so if an invalid license is detected or the servers cannot be contacted at the time of the check there is an automatic retry period and then re-validate users

2. Implement a grace period of say 24 hours for an invalid license check or license server issue before disabling all users to allow for any intermittent connectivity issues to the licensing servers


Session/Security Triggers for Commands

Kyle Simpson 2 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 2 years ago 2


Is it possible to create sessions/security triggers for when host run commands such as "NET USER "LOGIN" "NEWPASSWORD" ?


Yes, it is possible, here are a couple of examples to get you started along with a link to our Trigger references, these are both Session Event triggers.

Here is what a Run Command trigger would look like, the RanCommand is processed on the guest side so is technically after the command is queued:
Event.EventType = 'RanCommand' AND Event.Data LIKE '%ipconfig%'

The QueuedCommand event is what the Host does, so the command is Queued and then Run on the guest side.

Event.EventType = 'QueuedCommand' AND Event.Data LIKE '%ipconfig%'

Note that the Event.Data I used a LIKE with surrounding wildcards as the data will contain both the command and the resulting output. 



"Tech would like to connect" pop-up

geoffrey hebert 2 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 2 years ago 2

It would be nice if we had the option to ask the remote user if we can connect. Maybe a pop-up that says "[Tech's Name] would like to start a remote session." with an approve/deny option.


Granular control over user accounts and/or computers

Flimp 2 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 2 years ago 3

It would be great if we had granular control over user account permissions or computer permissions. Global settings are a tough sell when certain users need settings, and other users do not.


Hi there, 

We have the notion of Global Permissions and Scoped permissions, both can be applied to roles and users in the roles will only have the permissions you have set. I have included a couple of links for you, but if you have any specific questions please contact our support team and they can help you out.




Pending Review

Google TV app

marcel vlems 2 years ago 0

At our company we use Chromecast with Google TV to cast a website in a browser-app. I want to control this Chromecast with ConnectWise Control but I cannot find the ConnectWise or ScreenConnect app in Google TV. Any suggestions?