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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Send an email notification when the network connection changes to a wireless connection

AHC IT Support 2 years ago 0

ConnectWiseControl.Client can read the following


Operating System:


Available Memory:

Manufacturer & Model:

Machine Product/Serial:

Machine Description:

Network Address:

Private Network Address:

MAC Address:

Send an email notification when the network ethernet cable connection changes to a wireless connection

Pending Review

ability to export software for all hosts

lynnton depano 2 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 2 years ago 1

allow to export software to be exported for all hosts

Pending Review

How do I delete this account?

anonymous 2 years ago 0

I no longer have any use for this UserEcho account and cannot find the place to delete. Please help me!

Pending Review

Disable one-time code required for DUO Push

Anthony N. 2 years ago 0

Hi, I would like to have an option to disable one-time code required for DUO Push. Currently, I get a DUO Push but then it's still prompting me to input one-time code via DUO mobile app. Can you help to get feature roll out ASAP. Thanks in advance!

Pending Review

Enable/disable settings for specific users or computers

Flimp 2 years ago 0

Is it possible to add a feature to enable/disable certain features from specific user or computer accounts? This would be really helpful instead of making these changes globally.


Received an email notication once user reply from CW Control chat

JohnJainar 2 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 2 years ago 1

We wanted to received an email notification once the user replied to chat in screenconnect. We usually use the messages function to chat the end user without actually remoting into the machine. Its important to receive a notification once we received a reply from end user.


We have an extension that performs this action for Access sessions, it will auto respond and send an email to the defined email address


Pending Review

Integration with Cherwell

JoJo 2 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 2 years ago 3

Can control be integrated with Cherwell? 


allow free users to use live chat support

fluffy 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 2

at the moment free users can't use the live chat support and I don't find that fair

Pending Review

idle time and idle time log out settings

Pradeep 2 years ago 0

Please add a feature to monitor idle time of users

Also idle time log out settings should be user specific and not global.

as an admin, i don't want lower setting. but for other users I want lower setting.

Pending Review

Extracting additional information from the guest ISP IP

Jean-Francois 2 years ago 0

Using a API like IpAPI.co to get additional information from our guest IP like Country, Region and City.

Add those information in the guest information tab and then be able to make group/Sub-group using those information.

We are a international compagnie and those filter would be EXTREAMLY useful for sorting.

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