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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Cookie Banner Support with ConnectWise Control

Sarang Prasad Barik 2 years ago 0

It would be nice to have Cookie Banner integration feature inside control application. As organization mandate this as an integration when websites are exposed on Internet.

Live example – www.honeywell.com based on country preference you will cookie notice. If US it shows cookie notice at the bottom. If you close the link it will show a shield icon at the left bottom.

By clicking the shield icon you will see the cookie categories where “USER” can provide his consent.

Pending Review

Ability to select "Capture Session" when creating a host pass or selective capture in extended auditing

Chris Holt 2 years ago 0

We provide host passes to vendors who need access to user workstations or servers.  In some cases we are required to "escort" or capture these sessions.  We don't wish to capture all sessions, just basic audit.  Ideally when creating a Host Pass, we could check a box that would cause the session to be captured.  Acceptable would be to use extended audit settings and only capture Host Pass sessions or all sessions from a specific account (which would be used for all host pass generation)

Pending Review

Allow shift click to select groups of machine

CFBDAVE 2 years ago 0

We have hundreds of machines grouped by customer and would like to select machines via shift click rather than having to select all, connected, etc.  A similar behavior to windows explorer.


ScreenConnect: Virus or/and EDR Exclusions

Orion 2 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 2 years ago 1

Hey Team

I would like to know from ConnectWise for ScreenConnect suite:

1. What are the recommendations for antivirus exclusions?
2. Nowadays that EDR is being used heavily , it's necessary to not monitor ltsvc.exe?


Pending Review

Add "Host Machine Name" to Triggers just like "Guest Machine Name"

Yosi A. 2 years ago 0


I believe it should be quite simple and beneficial...

Would like to show "Host Machine Name" just like {Session.GuestMachineName}

Currently if I connect from A to B, it will only show B, there is no way to get name of A...

even with:   Session Host: {Session.Host}

Thank you!

Pending Review

Disable Windows only features on linux hosts.

Michael Anderson 2 years ago 0

Image 1069

When a configuration is configured such as "Acquire Wake Lock" and is applied to a linux host, when you connect, you get an error message Operation "WAKE_LOCK_ACQUIRED" not supported.  As this is a Windows only option, either the message should be completely disabled, or the option not attempted to be set on a linux host.

Pending Review

Configuration profile for roles

Michael Anderson 2 years ago 0

There is a feature request to configure a client install, but I would like to have the ability to apply configurations to roles.  This is most prevalent when you have different access clients (may also be helpful for meeting and support, but haven't used those much to this point).

Pending Review

Fix screen flicker when playing audio/visual

kalvin wong 2 years ago 0

For training, making/taking calls, it would be more helpful for the window to not glitch between multiple screens when audio/visual is being played. This happens when multiple displays are being utilized, unsure of singular screen.

Pending Review

Report subscription via Mail

Christian Walch 2 years ago 0

In huge environments its necessary to enrich assets with different data. I want to know when some of my clients create a connection to the server - therefor I would need the option to send some preconfigured Reports via Mailaddresses which includes the Data by CSV

Pending Review

Add ability to customize quick actions in MAC toolbar

Anthony Stanisci 2 years ago 0

There's no way to customize the buttons available to us in the MAC Client Quick-action toolbar, instead we need to dig through submenus in the main mac toolbar which takes forever and is a long distance away in some instances.

Please add the ability to customize the quick-actions so that features like "Send login credentials" and "Paste clipboard" etc… can be a click away instead of an arms length affair.