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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

When migrating, it would be great if we had an option to delete agents in the old instance, that are running in the new instance. Leaving a todo of agents in the old instance

Jeff Hawkes 2 years ago 0

After migrating from Automate hosted to Control hosted using the migration plugin. It would be nice if there was an option to delete only the old instance agents that exist in the new instance.

Pending Review

Remove device from Control when agent is uninstalled.

lpeters 2 years ago updated by Sean Keown 2 years ago 1

When uninstalling the agent I would like for it to be removed from the list of devices in Control. Is there a benefit to leaving this as a manual task and keeping old pc's out there? Seems like it would be beneficial for keeping devices cleaned up if they removed from the list after agent uninstall kind of how running the offboarding script for Automate will delete agent and remove pc.

Pending Review

Export all Access Devices

cong nguyen 2 years ago 0

How do I export all devices from Screenconnec?

This is the list of all devices that we own, not the session.

Considering for Future Release

Desktop Chat Notification

Gavin Seabrook 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 3

There used to be the extension for Desktop Notifications when using the on-premise installation with an SSL certificate installed. Why was this feature removed? It has made me want to move away from this platform because now that a client has gotten used to chatting directly, they dont want to stray from it and some messages go unanswered. I understand that I can put the autoresponder on there, but this was a real valuable function that just....disappeared from on premise installs.

Pending Review

DATTO RMM Integration to be able to choose something other than Splashtop.

Geoff Miller 2 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 2 years ago 1

DATTO RMM currently has a screen remote integration using Splashtop as opposed their web VNC that's baked in. However, it has issues crossplatform and makes it problematic. Since we're already using CWC, having this as an integration option would be awesome. Yes, you'd have to write some code, but it would expand your base and expose folks to a great product.


SAML Integration with Okta

Dallas Koeppe 2 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 2 years ago 2

Please provide the ability to authenticate via SAML to OKTA. 



Control has the ability to integrate with Okta as described here: Set up Okta SAML - ConnectWise

Pending Review

Add virtual navigation buttons to device that have physical navigation buttons such as Samsung Tab Active devices

Cornellius G 2 years ago 0

When connecting to devices that have physical navigation buttons such as Samsung Tab Active devices, virtual navigation buttons are not displayed for the person connected making it more difficult to navigate the device. Adding virtual navigation buttons or creating a skin that has them for these types of devices would make it much easier to support them especially in environments like ours that has a lot of the devices.

Pending Review

Related to Ticket#16441181. Allow ScreenConnect SYSMON logs to be filtered to only send logs where a username is associated, this is to cut down on noise from system processes guest machine reconnecting back to the session if a packet drops etc.

Craig_ 2 years ago 0

Related to Ticket#16441181. Allow ScreenConnect SYSMON logs to be filtered to only send logs where a username is associated, this is to cut down on noise from system processes guest machine reconnecting back to the session if a packet drops etc.

Pending Review

Last restart time on General Info

thomas salvo 2 years ago 0


It would be great for the general information screen to include how long the machine has went without a restart. Usually this is the first thing I check when a user has an issue.




run command against a CSV list of systems

J41232131 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 6

would be a nice to be able to run a remote command against a list of systems.  we have 100+ systems in a CSV and having to check each one individually in the dashboard is silly


Unfortunately, your scenario would not work out of the box. If the machines had a note or some other common field they could be grouped and then you could execute the command. 
That said, this may be possible with a custom extension and if it's something you will be doing often, it may be worth your time to create one, here are details on that program:

Create a private extension - ConnectWise

requests for a developer license must be sent to ctrlpm@connectwise.com.