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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Add ability to make the screenshots larger that are visible on right of screen when in Connectwise Control for better viewing purposes.

jwilliams 7 years ago updated by Ron Redmond 3 years ago 6

The screenshots that are visible currently are to small and when a client is using multiple monitors it makes it hard to view what they are seeing on their screen.  The ability to make these screenshots larger for optimal viewing capability will help tremendously in this aspect.

Ron Redmond 3 years ago

i do not see this under Appearance tap


Ability to trigger LTSVC.exe to perform "Send Status" function via Control web-interface

Joshua A. Szántó 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 0

It would be super useful if the Control Agent could be triggered to trigger the LTSVC.exe Automate Agent to perform its "Send Status" function, and likewise if Automate (when integrated with Control) could trigger the Control Agent to perform this to speed up the execution of commands (particularly in turning on FasTalk). It doesn't make sense why a functionality as this wouldn't be a good idea in environments where both Automate and Control exist (and have an integration connection in place) -- rather than waiting several minutes for FasTalk to turn on NOC technicians end up abandoning Automate and throwing their weight on Control since Control responds to commands immediately. With that, though this is the wrong place to mention this, it would also be great if we could have the ability to execute commands through the Control Agent from Automate (as an alternate way of executing commands).

Considering for Future Release

REQ: Larger or stretchable "Select Microphone" and "Select Speakers" drop down menu in Meetings.

ProgentCT 7 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 2

The existing meeting windows aren't wide enough to identify which microphone to select.  The speakers window is the same.

Considering for Future Release

serial and model associated with session

Romée 7 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 3 1 duplicate


First of all we are really pleased using it

Would it be possible to store within the session database the serial, manufacturer and model information that you can now obtain with the other informations module.

Purpose is to link this information with our other CRM databases

those information do not need to be updated as long as the session is active

But as for now this product works "alone" in the information system

Thanks in advance.


Enable MFA/OTP or disable public login of Automate (LabTech) integration account

AcuBrent 7 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 1

Goal: To increase security of ConnectWise Control accounts used in integration scenarios, such as in the screenshot below where an administration account is used in a Automate/LabTech integration.

Image 194

Possible Fixes: Enable MFA or OTP capabilities with integrations


Disable public login capabilities of specific accounts - for instance, our integration account has full access, however it has no multi-factor authentication like our actual user accounts do. This means that we have a high-level access account floating around that can be brute forced. If this account could be setup in a way in which it only communicates to a certain website or is not usable publicly, MFA/OTP would not be necessary.

anonymous 7 years ago


The Control integration is developed by the Automate team. I have passed along your request, but in the future you can post integration requests here:


Considering for Future Release

Folder transfer option to include hidden files

msatterfield 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 4

Currently the folder transfer doesn't act like a operating system folder transfer, as a result hidden file contents don't transfer during a folder transfer. The folder transfer option should transfer all files in the folder.


Client connection balloon color customization

Charles Odom 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 2

We would like to change the color of the connected host notification balloon from grey

anonymous 6 years ago

Hi Charles,

It is not possible to set the color of the notification balloon via our application. The balloon is drawn by the OS.


Auto get username when requesting credentials

Oli Terry 7 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 6

Other remote control software automatically pulls the current username into the username field, so the remote user just has to type their password.  I haven't come across a single user who actually knows their own username yet.  It's very tedious to have to get it myself, write it down and manually type it in.


Android Consent

Craig Kibodeaux 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 2

Tried setting up the access client on Android and ran into a weird problem/possible bug. I have specific session groups set up that does not require consent but everything else does. The Android access client set up fine and showed up in my console under all machines. When I tried to connect it said waiting for consent, but the Android never asked for consent. I moved the session to a group that does not require consent and it worked fine. I removed and tried a couple times. The Android is never prompted for consent.

anonymous 6 years ago

Good afternoon,

As it stands, the Android client does not support prompting for consent. For now, you'll need to move Android unattended sessions into a group that does not require consent to connect.

I suggest you submit a feature request to the ConnectWise Control feature request forum so that the product management team can review the requested functionality and other users can upvote/comment on the request: http://control.product.connectwise.com/forums/1-new-features/



Under Review

Offline Machine Notifications

ITGUY 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

Implement the ability to adjust the time down for the {Event.Time} attribute.  Currently there isn't a way to adjust to EST, PST, etc.