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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Be able to choose from a list of Windows Domains to do AD authentication with, instead of only one

Todd 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

We just had some mergers at my company, and all our Windows Domains are not merged into a single Forest yet.

On the login screen, we need to be able to have a list of Windows Domains to log in to.  This way, ScreenConnect can know which Domain Controller to authenticate against for this particular user.  

Currently ServerOverride field only allows us to authenticate against a single Domain Controller.

anonymous 6 years ago

Hi Todd,

In 6.5, the ability to enable multiple user sources on the Security page was added. So, multiple AD configurations can be used.  



MH-MI 7 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 2

II think it would be great to have a bookmark feature. 

There's a few computers that I access almost everyday and it would be great if I could bookmark them for easy access.

The bookmarks should be for each logged in tech. Listed on the side.

Considering for Future Release

Microsoft Hololens Compatibility

Zach 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

The Microsoft Hololens does not support downloads via Edge, so I cannot run a remote session from the hololens. Screenconnects Microsoft App is not compatible with hololens. Can we develop a hololens capable app? The remote desktop solutions available do not support multi monitor setups.


Need to attach chat window with session windows in linux.

Sarathkumar 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 2

The chat window is not attached with session window in Ubuntu PC. When we try to control multiple session, then the chat window is confusing. Need to attach chat window with session windows in linux.

Considering for Future Release

Hide notes and prevent host passes for consultants

Cobus Grobbelaar 7 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 2

We have an on-premis installation and manage support for a number of clients. Some of the specific application support is however outsourced to third party consultants.

Although a pass is a workable solution, we need to give passes multiple times per day. It will be better to allow the consultants to log on to Control and provide support when necessary.
The current permission options are almost perfect for the above requirement, but the following two will assist even more:
1. Do not show the notes. Some notes are confidential.
2. Prohibit the issue of a host pass. We do not want a third party consultant to provide remote access to anyone else.


Control Session -> Static Connection

Greg 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 5

Instead of receiving a guest link and ID to connect, have the Control Session button set to bring up the ScreenConnect software for the assigned machine. Currently, if I wanted to connect to someone I would just go to my ScreenConnect URL and find them... I wouldn't send them a guest link. Seems like a pretty basic function.

Under Review

Chat Sound Received for Mac/Linux

smweathers 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

When hosts receive messages via the Windows client, there is a received sound notification. That feature would also be helpful for the Mac/Linux clients.


remove create support session with a code as default

Thomas Smallwood 7 years ago updated by Scott Linak 7 years ago 3

Set create session as public as default rather than with a code because we don't use codes  or revert back to the old way where you can choose how to create. Or even better allow us to choose as an option 

anonymous 7 years ago

Hi Thomas,

We'll release an extension that'll allow the default session mode to be set to public within the next day or so. We also added the ability to immediately join the session after creation back in. I'll update the post once the extension is live. 

Considering for Future Release

way to edit an encoded video

Deepak 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 2

Is there a way to modify the encrypted video to blur certain portion so that

when it is decrypted by the qc team it is either blurred out or blanked out.

I can do this on the decrypted video but would like to know if it can be

done on encrypted file.


Can I edit a portion of decrypted video and encrypt it back? If so, could

you send me the instructions.

The reason I want these to be saved back as Raw files is - whenever someone

tries to transcode these it will already be edited(the portion that I need

blurred or removed).

My system works this way.

1. QC agent logs in to the CRM.

2. They send a request for a video file.

3. Video file is then downloaded from the server, transcoded and

played in a media player.

It is after step 3 that one realizes the need to edit the file. So it has to

convert back to raw file, so the next time someone requests the same file it

already has the required modifications. Can this be achieved?

Under Review

Security Show Scoped Permissions when Edit Role

Jonathan Lehman 7 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 1

Currently when under Admin --> Security --> Edit Roles, you have to scroll through all of the "Scoped Permissions" to find what the Role is selected for.  I would like to see what the Role has access to at the top then the rest be alphabetical.  Currently this is "Bold" but can be missed easily when scrolling through, or when multiple are selected.