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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Under review

Uploading to shared toolbox doesn't give progress bar

jhardwick 7 years ago updated by Ben Burner 7 years ago 1

When adding a larger file to the shared toolbox no progress bar is presented while it uploads to the cloud.  If you don't leave the toolbox window open while you wait (a guestimated period of time) for the file to upload, you'll end up with corrupted files in the shared toolbox.

It's been this way across versions, but is dangerous.

Considering for Future Release

Adding Lock/No Lock Roles for Admin and Host

Strong Eagle 7 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 2

We use SC to allow employees to remotely access their work computers from home.  Most employees can see their computer plus several more.  As a result, I have checked AccessLockMachineOnConnect to that users do not inadvertently barge into a running session.


However, as admin, I want to be able barge into a running session for support purposes.  In order to do this right now, I have to modify the config file by unchecking AccessLockMachineOnConnect, then re-install the app on the PC I want to get into.  I can then perform support functions and when I am done, I recheck AccessLockMachineOnConnect and re-install again on the remote machine.


This works, but, it would be desirable to enable an admin to be able to always access a PC without needing to login.  Is something like this possible?


Thank you.

Considering for Future Release

DEFAULT un-install option.

Ed Jack 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 2

Ability to make the DEFAULT END session option to automatically END the session and UN-INSTALL the client. This would enable the client .exe to be run again at a future date.

Pending Review

View list of sessions and active session on same page

Shrey Marwah 7 years ago 0

It is very hard when technician has to switch between remotes to multi-task. As per below example there should be such ability with ConnectWise Control:

Image 175

Under Review

Display sessions list in one line to view more sessions on one page

Shrey Marwah 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 2 1 duplicate

The Sessions Page can show limited number of sessions at one screen because the height is big in size. If it is condensed to a single line then we can view more number of sessions on one page and would avoid scrolling down..

Under review

screenshot of blanked guest PC

Mike Kahn 7 years ago updated by JamesEN 2 years ago 1

When guest is blanked and take a screenshot, the screenshot that is saved is of the BLANK screen (guest) instead of what is physically seen on the PC that I am sitting at, controlling the guest PC.    Bug report #9103671 has been open for over three months.  Please address.   (not sure of SW version)


Switch control.product.connectwise.com site to SSL only

Paul Hirsch 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

Consider this a meta feature request.  Couldn't help but notice this site allows logins without SSL.  Very very bad practice.  This makes it really easy for someone to steal account credentials.  Since people are not disciplined with using different passwords for different uses, this may expose some high value credentials in plaintext.

Under Review

Sound Alert when Remote is transferred to Host

Shrey Marwah 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

I recommend you adding a feature of a Sound Alert when a Remote session is transferred to a Host. Also the browser icon in the task bar should flash so that the technician is alerted .

Under Review

Enable linking directly to the 'Messages' tab for a given session

flamble 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

It would be useful if there was a way of directly linking to the 'Messages' tab for a given session, e.g.


One use for this is the default trigger, which sends chat messages from unconnected sessions via email. The above syntax would allow a 'Reply' link to be included in the email.

Pending Review

Add notify on idle # minutes

jspooner 7 years ago updated by Bonnie C 8 months ago 2

Create a trigger for when a user has been idle for a certain number of minutes.