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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Cloud instance Auto-Updating

jessica 7 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 4

Would like notice when Cloud Instance is going to be updated. At first, we had the option to update our own instance, now it auto-updates. The last two updates we have encountered issues. It would be nice to be able to plan ahead. Or let us update our own when it is convenient for us. 

It would also be nice to get notice of the release notes so we know what changed. I always have to go searching for this. 


More User-Friendly Host Pass Interface Session

Cooper 7 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 2


We sometimes need to give temporary access (host pass) to a user to connect to their machine, but unless you've used the toolbar icons before, it can be a little difficult to find something like Ctrl+ Alt+ Del for them to be able to login. Would it be possible to have tool tips or something to pop-up to assist Host Pass users when they connect to a machine using the host pass option? For example, if they're at the login screen, then they would get a pop-up that says something like "click here for Ctrl+ Alt+ Del." Or maybe some of the buttons could just be pinned to the right-side of the Control session window?


desktop shortcut to open messages (access client)

georgewillow 7 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 1

I would like to be able to be able to create a desktop shortcut to open the messages window (access client). Currently the users have to identify the icon in the system tray and double click. This may seem trivial, but to the users I support it's a big difference. Most don't know how to find the system tray and having a button to click on the desktop would be a big help. Even something that had to be manually deployed would be ok. For now I don't see a way to make that happen.  



keith 7 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 6

Ability to stop users from kicking other users off of a support session


capability to search / filter appearance tab

mhighsmith 7 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 1

It would be nice to search / filter within the Appearance Tab for both Web Resources and Client Resources. 


UI Change

ptownsend 7 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 5

I'd like to be able to put the Computer Info pane back underneath the Sessions.  We were a long time user of 5.4, which had the layout situated that way.  

If we could toggle between situated on the right hand side, versus the bottom, that'd be great!


Zendesk extension automatically close session after ticket is closed

Asher Ekstein 7 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 1

The Zendesk integration extension is pretty awesome but it is lacking a very important feature to have an option to automatically end and delete a support session when a zendesk ticket is solved or closed,

When i'm creating a support session from the connect wise web portal I usually delete it when i'm done, but most of the time i create sessions using the zendesk connect wise application (extension)  through zendesk web portal, and when I solve the ticket the sessions stay open in screen connect, I then have to login to screen connect figure out what sessions are no longer needed and delete them manually.

Please consider adding a feature to the extension,



Timeline query

Adam H 7 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 1

A way for users to query their timeline for a given range, ex a week. Would aid in time entry when you may have forgotten what day you were connected to a machine.


Database maintenance email notification upon completion

CFBDAVE 7 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 1

We would feel much better if we knew our database maintenance is being completed.  Aside from me looking at the info I have no way to know what has been configured has been completed.  Dealing w/ server backups for 20 years I'm not about to just trust an automated task is doing its thing properly.  Perhaps there is currently an Event.EventType I can use to trigger this?




Hide the "Join Session Dialog" screenshots

Mark Outcault Jr. 7 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 2

The ability to hide the screenshots within the 'Join Session' dialog that comes up after a client types in a code would be nice since we get customers that will attempt to click on the pictures themselves unfortunately. It's pretty easy to walk a customer through clicking on the download then clicking run. I'm fine with the text but it is pretty frequent we get not-so-savvy customers that will insist they are running the application and clicking on it when they are clicking on the images themselves. It just leaves room for confusion for people that can't distinguish the screenshots from their computer.