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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Ability to send XML config file or key/value with MDM deployments so that when the Control app is installed, it prepopulates the CW Server URL

chefybuck 5 years ago updated by Charles Solomon 5 years ago 1

We are currently able to deploy Control via our MDM to our iOS devices. However, the end-users have to enter the server URL on first launch. We would like to have the ability to preload in the MDM the XML config file or a key/value combo so that the server URL is loaded upon install. 

For example our electronic medical record app allows us to define a key of "serverAddress" with a value of "xxxxx.yyyyyy.com". Once the app is installed, the user is able to quickly launch and run without having to lookup our unique server address.

Pending Review

CW Control iOS app - is there a way to to prepopulate the URL via a MDM platform such as Airwatch?

Peter Tran 5 years ago updated by Stian Langsrud 3 years ago 1

CW Control iOS app - is there a way to to prepopulate the URL via a MDM platform such as Airwatch?

Pending Review

Allow 3d space mouse passthrough

greg rupel 5 years ago updated by Erik Johansson 4 months ago 4

I would like to see a feature built in to allow for 3d space mouse pass through.   We use a space mouse when we are in the office but users would like to be able to take their space mouse with them and do it remotely.   We use this:  https://www.3dconnexion.com/spacemouse_wireless/en/ 

Pending Review

Show guests AD or local machine username intead of "Guest" in chat log

brettm 6 years ago updated by Chris Paetz 4 years ago 3

Currently when I connect to a guests machine and start a chat with them, it only displays "Guest" as their name.  I would like the currently signed in account on the machine to be the username that displays in the chat logs.  We have devices used by many different users.  So when looking back through conversation logs it is hard to identify which person the conversation was taking place with.

Under Review

Let remote users end session

sbakhit 6 years ago updated by Ted Johnson 4 years ago 5

Users should be able to end the session of whomever is connected to their computer, surprising you do not have this option available for them. Ctrl+alt_del should not be required for it, and that doesn't work anyway. There are several reasons this feature should be in place.


FIPS Certification

tzobl 6 years ago updated by Sunny Lowe 2 years ago 8

ConnectWise Control should seek a FIPS certification. It already has FIPS compliance, but our remote support software requires FIPS certification to be used to service law enforcement customers.

Considering for Future Release

Self Heal Automate/Labtech LTService and LTSvcMon service

jacobsa 6 years ago updated by SteveIT 6 years ago 4

Seems crazy this does not exist, but it seems to me like the Screenconnect service is an obvious choice to be a watchdog for the Automate / Labtech services to keep them running. It also seems easy to implement. Such as:

If LTSERVICE or LTSvcMon exists, and service is in stopped state, start it.

I can see some potential maintenance mode / Agent upgrade conditions needing to be dealt with, but it would help immensely.


SAML logout

Joe K 7 years ago updated 3 years ago 29

Now that SAML is supported in 6.5 we need a way to log out from the IdP when we log out of ScreenConnect.  Please add support for the Single Logout URL or a custom Logout URL when using a SAML provider for authentication.  

Right now if I log out from ScreenConnect I stay logged into my IdP and I can get back into ScreenConnect without entering my credentials again. 

Considering for Future Release

VPN network adapter

arktexSC 7 years ago updated by Brian Cancienne 7 months ago 12

Add the ability to install a VPN adapter like a similar mainstream product does.


Option to load Access Page after login as opposed to support

MJT 7 years ago updated by anonymous (Product Marketing Manager) 5 years ago 10 3 duplicates

Hi there,

We run ScreenConnect with considerable RBAC settings in place. Our Service Desk staff are only given permission to use the "access" feature of ScreenConnect, as they do not need to create support or meeting session, unlike other sections (e.g. apps support)

If one has access to the "support" page, when you log in it loads. But, if you don't have access to the "support" page, you get this after logging in:

Image 125

The staff have to click 'access' every time they load.

The feature is: change the default page - or at least load the first page the user has access to.


In 2019.3, we've added the ability to reorder the host page navigation panel. 2019.3 is currently in preview if you'd like to try this feature. You can make Access the first option and then it'll default to that tab. https://docs.connectwise.com/ConnectWise_Control_Documentation/Release_notes/ConnectWise_Control_2019.3_Release_notes