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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Under Review

Client opening window position / scaling, perhaps client+host level window position memory

Zach Hardin 7 years ago updated by Nicholas Aguirre 6 years ago 7 2 duplicates

I am using a large 4K display ... Each time I connect to a host, I have to rescale the window size due to my resolution. I have tried several window manager utilities and they don't seem to work quite right. What I think would be perfect would be a client+host memory of window size/position. If I was connecting from two different machines, both of those machines would maintain a separate memory of the position for each remote host. This could even be elaborated on one level further, such that it was Profile+Client+RemoteHost as the key for the size/position. This could allow definition of remote control 'groups' that could connect to multiple hosts with one action. When the profile is launched, the multiple remote connections position themselves according to the last position remembered for that local client + profile combination. This would facilitate my movement between machines with minimal irritation... I'm on the verge of coding something to do this myself, it's that irritating to have to manually resize these windows every time I connect to a host. Something like this should be a high priority, it's one of those kinds of annoyances that make people jump products on a whim...

Considering for Future Release

NAS Support (Synology, QNAP, etc)

James Cocker 7 years ago updated by hadshaw21 2 weeks ago 9

It would be great if ScreenConnect could easily be installed on NAS devices, such as those by Synology or QNAP. Ideally in a supported way. Support for Docker could have made this a possibily, but this seems to have been shelved for now. So an alternative option is required. How about producing a Synology Package??

Pending Review

1password Integration

Keenan Wurth 7 years ago updated by C W 2 months ago 11 1 duplicate

We have 10,000 Access agents and several accounts with different techs in each and would love to see integration with 1Password to help manage the use of passwords. Would love to see something with 1Password that would allow remote techs to copy centrally managed Windows Credentials from a 1Password Vault into a session with out having access to the credentials.

It would be even better if which credentials were available was based on Session Group's but this would just be a bonus as long as the remote techs could not reveal credentials in any way

Under Review

Upgrade Mono version to support TLS 1.2 for Freshdesk integration

danielp 7 years ago updated by Allen Crist 6 years ago 9

Please consider upgrading the Mono version to support TLS 1.2 for Freshdesk integration

Pending Review

Populate Host Participant's Name to the Session Information

drbrunker 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 2

Populate the host's participants name to the session information (similar to a custom property). That way, you do not have to click on a session to see the Hosts that are connected to that session

Considering for Future Release

Radius authentication

Sergo 8 years ago updated by k_bek 5 years ago 6

It'll be great to have radius authenticatoin.

Considering for Future Release

Launch multiple host sessions simultaneously

anonymous 8 years ago updated by Julio Perez 2 years ago 11 3 duplicates

Partner requests the ability to select multiple sessions on the host page and click join. Each session is joined in a separate window.


ability to print the chat log from the guest-side of the connection

Ryan 9 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 9 months ago 6 1 duplicate

add the ability for the guest to print the chat log from thier side.


Add some sort of indicator that credentials have been stored for session

Administrator 9 years ago updated by Xyvir 5 years ago 16 1 duplicate

Partner would like an indication that credentials have been stored.

User Story:

User has stored credentials on some, but not all servers. It would save him time if there were an indicator that they have been stored.

Ideally this would appear in the Session Details pane and Host client under Manage Credentials menu.

host_client alert credentials indicator manage_session_group store

Add Computer Name and IP Address to system tray icon status

anonymous 9 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 7

Partner wants the Computer Name and IP Address to appear in the ScreenConnect system tray icon hover to aid in finding machines when depending on the guest for information.

User Story: Partner owns a access only license to service multiple customers. When a customer needs assistance, they call the partner and give their machine name or IP, so the host can find their machine. Most customers have no way to find this information quickly. Adding a hover over option will allow the guest to provide the host with info to find their machine quickly.

icon status tray