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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Screenconnect- Current Version- MAC Ventura- Not an identified developer

Jack Buchan- Buchans Group 2 years ago updated by Just Jay 1 year ago 6

On the new MAC OS its a pain to connect to a session as it keeps trying to block with the downloaded app saying its not an identified developer can this be improved in the future?


Considering for Future Release

Support X-Forwarded-For headers

CJTC 2 years ago updated by danny 1 month ago 24

Due to insurance and industry requirements we are required to host CW Control behind an approved WAF/Proxy. But in doing so all WEB activity is logged with the WAF/proxy IP instead of the endclient IP. This decreases the value of the built-in CW Control logging and triggers functionality.

Support has confirmed that CW Control does not currently support X-Forwarded-For (XFF) which is a de-facto web standard for passing client IPs through web Proxies. Can we get this header feature added? https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/X-Forwarded-For

I was told Control is unable to read the header response so I wouldn't be able to manually enable it via "Security Toolkit" > "ExtraSecurityHttpHeadersList".


Thanks for your request, after speaking with our Architecture team I have registered this request for future consideration.

The key concern is  that the product would have to become much more aware of the reverse proxy sitting in front of it in order to properly handle the traffic in a secure manner.

Pending Review

Digital Signatures

jason 3 years ago updated by ddralus 2 years ago 2

We have noticed on a few recent updates the install packages are being recognized from an unknown developer and we have to whitelist or do a work around to get the update installed.  It is frustrating having to do this.  Is there a process in which all updates are tested to make sure they are digitally signed or whatever needs to happen so Windows or MacOS does not think its a suspicious install package?

Pending Review

Add "help" on the Mac version of SC

enriqueg 4 years ago updated by Luna 2 years ago 3 3 duplicates

Add the feature to add the "Helper" tool so we can use items for example Passportal like in windows

Pending Review

AMD raspberry pi support

Ian L-F 4 years ago updated by Michael Thompson 8 months ago 22

I'd like to see you folks support Ubuntu on a Rasperry Pi

Pending Review

Ability to Control Mobile Device through the PC

Tal 4 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 4 years ago 2

Need the ability to control the Android or iOs device when connected to the mobile device through a PC Session. Currently we are only able to view the device and direct the user where to click on.

If we could take over control and scoll/click on objects in their Mobile Device this would make ConnectWise Control that much more useful and valuable. 

Pending Review

Trackpad in IOS Along with Bluetooth Mouse Support

Matthew Pendleton 4 years ago updated by Express 3 years ago 6 1 duplicate

Need the Ability to use the mouse with a true Trackpad Support now that Apple has released it. Also the same goes for bluetooth mice. They should sync with the mouse cursor and work as one unit. 

Under Review

Android Enterprise Configuration

phil brown 5 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 month ago 5

Add Android Enterprise Configuration to the ConnectWise Control apk.

Allow admins to pre-populate their 'Connectwise control URL' when deploying via an MDM platform

Under Review

Default banner relocation: "your computer is being controlled by"

Peter OTools 5 years ago updated by JohnD123 5 years ago 9 1 duplicate

Dear awesome team!

The mentioned banner ("your computer is being controlled by") is now mandatory in our Company to be always on during sessions.

Please consider to let the costumer (we/IT) setup new banner default location (customized), under whatever method you like.

It is too annoying for us to get that banner on the same spot where a full internet browser shows all tabs opened. It normally covers several browser/tabs' header. We have to constantly move it apart to view/get access what is behind it, every single session.

So anyone might have other possible less-annoying location, in our case we could relocated (i.e) on top of/right corner of the Taskbar would be good enough. Almost nothing get on that spot, and we can move it as well, sparingly.

Thanks you and enjoy the day!

Under Review

Backstage timeout

James Angi 5 years ago updated by bond007x 3 years ago 8

When you disconnect from a backstage session one of three things should happen:

1) The session is killed (ie the command prompt, powershell, and any other processes started)

2) The session is left running for X minutes

3) The session is left running indefinately

Right now it appears #3 is happening (or if there is a timeout it is a VERY long one).  This causes issues because just having the command prompt open to a certain working directory locks that folder so it can't be removed until either the machine is rebooted or someone connects to backstage and changes directory or closes cmd.  I'm sure there could be other issues eventually as well.

Ideally we'd be able to configure this as #1,2 or 3.  It might make sense to ask when closing the session; maybe you started a process that you want to keep running.