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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Under Review

Send "Welcome Email" for newly created users

David Norelid 8 years ago updated by terryb8s 7 years ago 1

When I create a new internal user on the Security page, I'd like to be able to press a button to send them a welcome email with their login info, username, password, links, documentation, etc. Much in the same way that we can customize and send Host Pass and Meeting emails, I'd like to send emails on new user creation.

Ideally this would be an optional email, one that I can send manually with a button or by checking a "Send welcome email" checkbox when creating the user. I don't necessarily want every created user to get this email.

Thank you!

Under Review

Restrict Administrator to access from Specific Networks

31 Networks 8 years ago updated by RADRaze2KX 7 months ago 8 1 duplicate

In an on-site implementation of ScreenConnect, we have setup multiple accounts all with 2-factor authentication. Likewise in order to protect the administrator account specifically or what it is renamed to, we would like to allow the account to remain in the event 2-factor failures occur, without triggering a full product reset of the "issetup" flag. Thus, is there a way easily to isolate the specific users or user group like the "Administrator" privileges provide to only being allowed to log in from a specific local area network, or trusted networks per say.

Considering for Future Release

Blank screen on a per tech/user basis.

Glen Michaelson 8 years ago updated by JasonP 1 year ago 3

Each tech could put their contact info on the blank screen so clients can call a specific tech that is controlling their screen if they need to use their PC or get a hold of a specific tech doing the work. Right now it is generic message but want to do it per tech.

Considering for Future Release

Customise computer access user and screen layout

Pukka 8 years ago updated by Scott Beeson 4 years ago 8 5 duplicates

we have some users that need access to their computers, at the moment they see too much information when they login. we will like to hide Timeline, Messages, Commands, Notes + any others. also once they connect to their computer they don't need access to toolbox (I know we can disable access to it but they can still see the list) also reboot to safe mode

Under Review

Develop billable time reports

anonymous 9 years ago updated by Mike Bannerman 8 years ago 2 1 duplicate

Partner asks for access to "billable time" reports based on host connections.


Add consent countdown that will accept automatically after the count down ends

Larry 9 years ago updated by Michael Bannerman 8 years ago 2

When the consent window pops up, have a X number of seconds count down that will automatically accepts when the timer ends


Add the ability to disable clipboard sharing in the host client

Michael Bannerman 9 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 5

It might be a nice feature if it had an on/off option [for sharing your keyboard with the guest]. I tried to leave a client alone to work on something while I fixed stuff on my end, and our clipboard data kept getting replaced by one another's copy actions. Took a while to figure out what was going on, but makes it impossible for us to work concurrently on our own things with the connection open.


anonymous 8 years ago

Hello All,

We decided to solve the issue by disabling clipboard sync when the host's input is suspended or guests input is blocked in the client. That being said, I am declining this issue. The improvement is scheduled and should be released within one of the next two releases, barring development delays.


Blank Guest Monitor feature does not blank out the screen if the host clicks on the taskbar or start button

Ryan 9 years ago updated by John Massaad 8 years ago 8

Blank Guest Monitor feature does not blank out the screen if the host clicks on the taskbar or start button - #7562442 - fr

anonymous 8 years ago

Hello All,

Microsoft has improved their capture method with the Windows 10 OS release which allowed us to correct the behavior; unfortunately, we cannot fix the behavior on previous Windows versions.


A way to see which hosts/users are currently logged in/active.

Administrator 9 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 8

Partners are requesting a way to be able to see the presence of hosts in the web application including who's logged in, who is actively in session, and who is idle.

User Story:

Partner already receives alerts when a host connects to or exits a session. Would also like an alert when a user logs in and out of Host page.

active dashboard host_page hosts login record reporting track
anonymous 7 years ago

The extension, Tech Roll Call, was recently released (see below). It allows both techs and admins to view a list of online technicians.


Pending Review

Add 'Customer Flag Updated' or 'Discussion Thread Updated' field to Projects/Project Tickets View Editor

Jacob W 1 year ago 0

Could you please Add 'Customer Flag Updated' or 'Discussion Thread Updated' field to Projects/ Project Tickets View Editor. Currently there is no way to select that option for the views and there is very little visibility for the projects tickets that have been updated by the client. 

Project tickets view below:

Image 1180

Same view but for service tickets does have this option to select:

Image 1182

Strangely same field under service tickets is called 'Customer Flag Updated' and for Project Tickets 'Discussion Thread' however there is no way to set up a view or a workflow rule around it. 
