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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Considering for Future Release

Multiple Yubikeys

Brian 8 years ago updated by Axel Taferner 3 years ago 17 1 duplicate

As previously requested 3 years ago which the same scenario applies directly to my situation.

"Can you please add the ability to store more than one Yubikey with each user account like LastPass does? You can store up to 5 keys with LastPass which is very useful. For example, I have three. One for work PC that is never removed, one for home PC also never removed and one on my keychain so that if I'm at a customer site (or anywhere besides home or work for that matter) I can use that one.


Considering for Future Release

Support Azure Cloud Service setup

anonymous 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 6

Partner would like to set ScreenConnect up on Azure Cloud Service instead of VM because its basically free hosting.

Considering for Future Release

Add ability to config client-side proxy during installer build

anonymous 9 years ago updated by Sean Keown 9 months ago 10 1 duplicate

Partner wants to "bake in" proxy settings instead of using the tray icon on the client.


Client app without installation

Volker Varwig 9 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 10 1 duplicate

A client app without installation would be fine (like teamviewer quick support) for users, which don´t have admin permission on the pc

Considering for Future Release

Reconnect option on disconnection notice

jhardwick 9 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 6

It would be nice to have a "Reconnect" button on the newly added "You have been disconnected" dialog box instead of having to go find the session and reconnect manually again.

Pending Review

stop spam in Windows Event Viewer

Jesto 5 years ago updated by Asher O 1 year ago 11

Atm when a computer is Offline (no internet connection) an error event will be logged every few seconds (i think it's something like 1-2-3-5-10-15... ?). This will spam the eventvwr logs (error source:ScreenConnect Client id:0 : System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): ...)

Wouldn't it be better to make it report it once and the eventually report when connection is back ?

Pending Review

Offer Office 365 as an authentication source, without need for per-tenant SAML

David N 6 years ago updated by JasonJCT 3 years ago 4

We use Control for both internal use at the MSP but also to give our clients access to their own computers. Right now, we have to use internal authentication in Control and create accounts manually and have a separate password/login process for Control logins.

SAML authentication was recently integrated, which is a good first step. Setting up SAML for one company to authenticate with with Office 365 is great, but when you have dozens of clients who need remote access to their own computers it gets very cumbersome and additionally lists your whole customer list on the login screen.

It would be great to be able to authenticate against Office 365 on the whole, instead of on a per-tenant basis. Is this possible? We can still create lists of users who need access internally, and give permissions and assign computers, but we at least wouldn't need to worry about password issues for Control.

Considering for Future Release

option to run cmd commands from host page as end user instead of admin

Xyvir 6 years ago updated by Jon Travis 4 years ago 3

For example currently running whoami returns the following:

nt authority\system

I would like an option to run the command as the current end user, so instead whoami would display:


There are many applications that assume you are running from the current end user.

Thanks for the help with this!


Considering for Future Release

shift +F10 hotkey

JustinP 6 years ago updated by Sean White 6 years ago 4

I would like shift + F10 hotkey passthru during windows update and prelogin to open a CLI for Virtual machines.