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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Develop the ability to remotely view an iOS device

anonymous 9 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 21 3 duplicates

Partner would like the ability to establish a session with a user on an Ipad.


This is an Apple limitation. They do not allow remote viewing of their devices through a direct connection. Devices attached to Mac laptop or desktop can display a device's screen on the laptop or desktop. Then of course SC would have indirect access to the device through a session. We are currently developing a iOS guest client that will allow for some advanced functionality like co-browsing, etc...

As soon as this option is available through Apple, we'll work to include it in the product.

Under Review

remote print mac

Clickcomp 7 years ago updated by Michelle 2 years ago 19 2 duplicates

I need to be able to print from a Windows Machine on a Mac


Add SSH/Console access to unattended client for Linux machines with no GUI

anonymous 9 years ago updated by tc-htp 1 year ago 12 1 duplicate

Partner requests to be able to use SC to remote into Linux machines that are console-only.

Under Review

Add CTRL + ALT + DEL to main toolbar

DonS 9 years ago updated by Davison 6 years ago 8

Add the CTRL + ALT + DEL command to main toolbar as a button instead of being in sub-menu. Especially a time saver for network admins accessing workstation on unattended setup.

Pending Review

Enhancing ConnectWise Control's Security Feature

Joel Weiss 1 year ago updated by John w. 1 year ago 7


I have a suggestion to enhance the security of ConnectWise Control.

In our MSP company, we recently adjusted the security settings for our Techs, restricting technicians from using the "RunCommandOutsideSession" feature to prevent sending commands in "bulk" outside sessions.

We propose adding a new permission: 

"RunBulkCommandOutsideSession." This way, we can give back access to send commands outside for single devices and "install access" during support sessions while keeping security intact.

Thank you.

Under Review

LastPass Integration

Jesse Brinson 7 years ago updated by Sunny Lowe 2 years ago 3

Since there's doesn't appear to be an "official" request for it, this is it =).  Hopefully to work in the same way as the Passportal integration.

Under Review

Setup trigger timers.

Larry 9 years ago updated by kurt 5 years ago 17 3 duplicates

Can we have a parameter that says that we only get notifications when a remote PC has been off line for say 15 minutes, and we only receive a reconnection notification if it has been off line for more than 30 minutes?

We have setup the triggers that seem to be working well. However due to temporary fluctuations in the internet connections we receive disconection notifications with almost immediate reconnections only a few seconds apart.


Upgrades to Host Pass

Michael Bannerman 8 years ago updated by Simon 5 years ago 28 4 duplicates

Parneters would like additional options for the host pass feature. Capturing suggestions in this ticket.

1. Expand the Lifetime of the host pass or make it configurable. There are times when you'll have extended engagements with vendors and need more than a day for them to complete work.

2. For the permissions, allow the host to pick from a list of existing roles to further limit the permission of hosts using the Host Pass feature.

3. Restrict the ability to use the host pass feature based on role (role-based permission)

Considering for Future Release

Bluetooth / Hardware keyboard support for iOS devices (iPad/iPhones)

Steven 9 years ago updated by Daniel Godin 6 months ago 24

From CW-7620136:

Would like to be able to use a hardware keyboard, such as a Bluetooth keyboard, on iPad or iPhone devices without having to tap the keyboard icon in the app first, and seeing the on-screen keyboard.

Under Review

Ability to unlock user accounts

terryb8s 7 years ago updated by Tobias Sörensson 7 months ago 17

Currently there is no way to unlock a user account other than changing their password or deleting and recreating their account.

This is a known defect with a workaround, yet I have been told by support to log a feature request.


To me this seems like a basic feature that is clearly missing.