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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Pop-up message box on client.

avogels 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 5

It would be nice to have the message box fully displayed when messages are sent. The blinking icon is good, but only gets the users attention half the time.


Add toast pop-up pointing to .exe download when it is completed

anonymous 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 17

Partner asks to add a toast pop-up for when the client.exe finishes downloading to direct where the guest should click.

Considering for Future Release

Add configurable automatic expiration for unattended installer

Michael Legato (Support) 8 years ago updated by connectwise com 3 months ago 11 1 duplicate

Currently, the unattended installer file will work forever. However, partner would like the unattended installer file to stop working after X days so that anyone who uses an older installer won't be able to randomly add it to any machines.

Considering for Future Release

Control Access to toolbox items in security. or create separate toolboxes and assign per group

mhighsmith 9 years ago updated by Jen B. 2 years ago 11 1 duplicate

would like to have the ability to assign a certain set of tools to different users. A separate toolbox per security groups

Under Review

Allow non-admins access to Report Manager

brad 8 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 2 years ago 11 2 duplicates

Sign setup.msi for Support Client Installation

Anonymous 7 years ago updated by Shane L 1 year ago 23

The EXE for the ConnectWiseControl.ClientSetup.exe is signed, but the setup.msi it puts in %temp% is not.


I'm sorry for the delay on this response! 

When the Control agent auto-updates itself (or when someone issues the Reinstall command), we use the signed .exe version of the client installer, and it is sent to this folder on the Guest:

The exe file then extracts/runs the unsigned msi from the Temp folder. If you are able to whitelist the developer cert that's used on the .exe to allow it to then run the msi, then that should help alleviate the Zero Trust issue with regular upgrades (and also would help with the file hash issue you mentioned, since the file hash changes every time the installer .exe is created).

This is all necessary to happen in the current iteration of the Guest client because the installer can be customized with different values, e.g. the Name, Company, Site, etc. information (CustomPropertyN values).

Under Review

Default to single monitor

crkkze 8 years ago updated by Dominic 5 years ago 23 3 duplicates

On connect I would like to default to a single monitor. In my case monitor 1

Considering for Future Release

Have a way to run a Tool at a scheduled time without user interaction

mhighsmith 8 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 7

To be able to run a tool with a scheduled time and or date parameter. example i setup the system on Friday to run RESTART.BAT on Monday at 6am.

anonymous 6 years ago

This is a great request, and although we do not have this option at the moment, I will get this request moving so to hopefully have it soon.

Under Review

More visible notification for chat - Add nudge for alerts

Alessandro Edoardo Rinaldi 9 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 5


many time I chat with user of session I'm disconnected from (for example, to ask them if I can reconnect). Sometimes the chat window is already opened on the guest screen, and the user has other windows on top of it.

ScreenConnect, at least on Windows, just makes the guest chat window blink in the task bar: it doesn't put the chat window on top or display an on-screen notification, so the user rarely notices that someone is writing them.

Is it possible to change this behaviour, for example displaying a Windows notification when the chat receives a new message?



Preference to have multiple monitors auto split to seperate windows

jhardwick 9 years ago updated by Phil Ellis 2 years ago 29

I would like the ability when a host connects to a guest with multiple monitors to have a separate window opened for each monitor automatically as part of a user/guest preference. Perhaps even memory of last window positions and size on the host side for each monitor... ie guest monitor 1 always goes here, guest monitor 2 always goes here. The thought being if the host has >= monitors as the guest you could have a better experience.

The majority of our clients have multiple monitors and it's time consuming to manually split them out to individual windows manually, and the default "all-up" view results in an unusable experience 90% of the time... more so when they have three monitors.