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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Support CW SSO while using Picggybacked SSL cert.

william 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 2

Support both  CW SSO and piggybacked SSL certs at the same time.

Under Review

Session Group - Software with Versions

Tim Dickson CV 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 1

Would be ideal (and would probably upsell to the new management features of software/services! ) to be able to create a Session group that lists software and versions. 

You could then quickly determine which machines have X installed - and what version.  Then you could patch accordingly. 

If you had your enhanced license you could then uninstall using and manage with that! 

I suppose services would also be good idea - but that may be to intense to load that many variables. 

Pending Review

Update guest info on multiple Access machines

lbelue 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 4

I manage 30+ Access systems remotely via my self-hosted server. It would be really nice to:

1. Select multiple machines and click a link to update the guest info for all selected machines.

2. Be able to click a link to update all Access machines

3. Though I don’t use groups, a link to update guest info for a Group or Groups might also be nice.

Pending Review

Recently Accessed Computers

brians 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 0

It would be nice if there was a Recently Accessed Computers list for my user account. Right now, I can see recently connect machines but it shows for all members of my

Pending Review

Support sesson title with unique value

David G 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 0

Every support session is automatically named as "Untitled Session" in the session log, if a technician not changed it manually. 

Therefore, we can hardly identify which video belongs to which support session.

Unfortunately, manually adjusting a session title is easily forgotten and not practical in busy situations.

A configuration that automatically appends an unique value to the session title would help a lot here.

(Just to clarify, I am not talking about the name of a session video file.)

Image 472

Either you can configure the ressource string "SessionPanel.NewSupportSessionName" to always automatically supplement a unique value to the session title, or 

you configure the resource string so that we can additionally add a variable. For example, for the name of the technician. 

(Similar to "UnderControlBannerTextFormat" configuration.)

With a solution like this, we could identify easily the session log entriys to a specific session

Image 470

Pending Review

License Usage Function

Paul T. 5 years ago 0

We would like to have a funtion inside screenconnect control that shows us which of our users is using how many licenses at the moment and if a user is logged in on multiple devices (and how many diffrent devices) with the same account.

Pending Review

Use a custom domain (name not on SSL certificate)

ZacaracaZ 5 years ago 0

I'd like to use remote.mydomainname.com for the control website (currently I have to redirect them to mycompany.hostedrmm.com:8040) - there should be a way to have the website on your domain.

Pending Review

Personal vs Shared Toolbox

david femiani 5 years ago updated by Keith Becker 2 years ago 1

In the Toolbox pane on the left of the Toolbox menu, it lists all of the available tool options available to you.

However this is a mix of Personal and Shared. Some kind of filter so you can view only your Personal, only the Shared, or the mix of both would be super nice.

Pending Review

To be able to make a group for ESET Version from the ESET plugin.

Bob Kneeland 5 years ago updated 4 years ago 3

I have installed the ESET plugin. I would like to make groups based upon what version of ESET they are running so I know who I need to update. Can you make it so I can create groups based on "ESET Version"?

Pending Review

Extension Change Communications from Connectwise to it's Users

Bonnie C 5 years ago updated by anonymous (Product Marketing Manager) 5 years ago 1

I just recently had an issues, while working with a client. An extension I have used for years just wasn't working. This is an extension that downloads an exe file to the clients computer that they use to start sessions. It was embarrassing not to know that this extension (after talking to support) was retired a year ago and just recently stopped working once the developers signature expired. 

My biggest question: Why wasn't I notified.

SUGGESTION:  Send a general email periodically that could feature an extension and list those that are new and being retired as a way of communicating with your users.