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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Under Review

Hot Keys to release mouse from client session

advtch 8 years ago 0

The ability to press a key combo to release the mouse from an active client session. The basic idea; when activitly working with a client and wanting to access your desktop, you can press a key combo to release the clients pointer, and move off the screen without disrupting them.

Pending Review

Increase/optimize audit page search query for larger amounts of files and time ranges

Michael Legato (Support) 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 1 1 duplicate

Partner reports that the audit page frequently times out whenever querying the database for large amounts of time with many session events. Additionally, the page times out when attempting to download large extended auditing videos.

Please optimize the search and download queries on the page to reduce the number of timeouts received when attempting to retrieve these items.



Alert when device comes online

Poynter 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 2

Have the ability to alert the engineer when a machine comes online.

Useful if you are waiting for someone or for a machine that is used infrequently.

anonymous 8 years ago

Mhighsmith is correct. You can receive an alert when a specific machine comes online by setting a trigger.



Auto Restart SC service on failure - Esp @ ReBoot

FAB-ITRescue 8 years ago updated by Mike Bannerman 8 years ago 2

SInce 5.4 we've had Delayed AutoStart Service as workaround for Windows 10 sometimes not restarting SC service at Boot up (something to do with dependent service not yet running) if set to Auto.

Others have suggested that the service can have a 3 level restart on failure by default, along the lines of the following:

sc failure "ScreenConnect Client (xxxx-unique-ID)" actions= restart/60000/restart/60000/restart/60000/ reset= 60

Mike Bannerman 8 years ago

This corrected in 5.6. All services will be running at boot up, no more delayed starts! Marking declined as the feature is included in the next release and it duplicates a request.

Considering for Future Release

Option for Consent to survive a server reboot

QS1Tim 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 7 1 duplicate

We support customers in a different time zone. Also, we require consent whenever our techs connect to a customer's computer. Sometimes, these sessions are left open when we go home for the day so we can continue to work in the morning before the customer arrives. If our SC server reboots, say for Windows Updates, during the night, the customer's session will reconnect, but it will require consent again before we are allowed in. I would like for consent for a session to survive a server reboot and only go away when a session is ended by the client.

Pending Review

Add password options for Guest Build Installer Extensions

anonymous 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 1

Partners would like to add a password protection option for the guest builder installer extensions.


Build in the ability to use screen capture in the Java Host client (Mac and Linux)

Michael Legato (Support) 9 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 6

Partner would like the ability to take screenshots and/or recordings from the Mac Host client like the Windows client is currently capable of.



Create automated system to notify users on cloud info

anonymous 9 years ago updated by Mike Bannerman 8 years ago 3

Partner asks for notification to be sent to cloud users, preferably through email, when issues are fixed or new updates are published and available.

Under Review

Set/allow keyboard focus to list of computers INSTEAD OF the search box.

skywalk 9 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 3

Very frustrating not to just click PageUp/PageDn and Enter to open my target session.


Add Ability to Hide Session Groups

Mike 9 years ago updated 6 years ago 21

We have over 50 clients, and each has their own session group. Then we have additional session groups for certain users in each company to be able to log into their own computers as needed. This is adding up to a large number of individual session groups. I'd like to be able to either hide session groups from view (maybe a flag on the session group you can set and a button at the top to show hidden when needed, and specific to the user logged into SC), or to put them into a "folder" for lack of a better word so they can be minimized, but not removed. Thanks!

anonymous 7 years ago

@ Mike I was reviewing your request and notice you mentioned having session groups for individuals to control their machines. Ideally, one global 'My Machines' group could help cut down on the number of session groups in your view.

Your 'My Machines' session filter would look like this:

CustomProperty2 = $USERNAME

The USERNAME refers to the login(Display Name) used by your host. It's the same thing that appears on the user badge on the host page.

Hope this helps. Your request is still under review, but we're doing a manage session groups interface update in Q1 that will need to be done, before we can consider any changes to grouping.