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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Ability to change chat sound

Administrator 9 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 9 months ago 7

Partner would like to change the sound that chat makes.

User Story:

Partner would like to specify a file for the chat sound. This may be an existing window sound, or a specific file (ie: mysound.wav).

This could be an web or client resource string.


Allow autoupdate old clients to act on a filter

Administrator 9 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 3

Partner would like the web.config option "AutoReinstallOldVersionClient" to be placed on a filter (ie: All Machine, Machines by Organization")

User story:

Filtered options on auto-reinstall would allow a partner to control which machines get automatically updated. This may be filtered using any session group.


Ability to select a single monitor (Mac)

Administrator 9 years ago updated by Ben Burner 7 years ago 12

Partners using the Java client in meetings do not have the ability to share a single monitor, so meeting participants see all available monitors when connecting. Partners request a method to only allow a selected monitor to be shared. The .NET client already offers this option for windows.


Add ability for connect/disconnect notifications to appear while tray icon is hidden

Michael Legato (Support) 9 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 3

Partner hides the tray icon for a number of reasons, but would still like the connect/disconnect notifications to appear on the screen when their technicians connect/disconnect from the endpoints.


Michael Bannerman 8 years ago

After talking with development, this appears to be a limitation of Windows 8 and below. Windows 10 currently allows for this functionality.


Add "license expired" message to host page

anonymous 9 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 4

Partners request that there is some type of notification to let them know that their license is expired or is not compatible with the current installed version of the product on the Host page. Current behavior is that no sessions show connected. It is not clear or obvious why. It appears to the customer to be a connectivity issue. A message here would help to eliminate support calls and would redirect customers to purchasing and a resolution faster.


1. Message should appear on the host and admin page.
2. Message should direct the customer to cloud account page or upgrade page based on their license type.
3. Should include a contact for sales

Pending Review

Add support for multiple graphics cards (GPU's)

Raffa 4 weeks ago 0

Our company's medical applications require 6 monitors to display sensitive patient information for our doctors. To do this, we use at least 2 GPU's to display on all 6 monitors, however, Screen Connect sessions will freeze up or grey screen when we connect to these workstations. Screen Connect support has directed us to only use 1 GPU to solve this issue, which seems to work, but then we lose 2 monitors as our Quadro GPU's only have at most 4 display ports. We will try testing a Display port MST Hub to increase the number of ports, but we are hoping a future release will better support multiple GPU's.

Pending Review

Add pagination to Timeline to prevent system crash

Sean Keown 1 month ago updated 1 month ago 0

We've had multiple instances where a user is browsing devices and happens upon a timeline where the agent is going on and off multiple times due to a network change a customer has made. 

The problem is caused because the timeline is so large and because the platform does not paginate the results which can take down the control server knocking everyone offline.

It would be nice to dynamically add more data as the user scrolls when the results are very large. 

Image 1279

Pending Review

Remote deployment of Automate and Screenconnect Agent on MacOS

AustinS 2 months ago updated 2 months ago 2

Currently, the package to deploy the Automate and Screenconnect agents does not install correctly on macOS machines if attempted via remote deployment. The only way to correctly install agents on macOS devices is manually. However, this method is neither feasible nor practical for an MSP when managing numerous end devices worldwide.

The major issues are:

- The currently available macOS package comes in two parts: LTSvc.mpkg and config.sh. This is not a suitable solution for deployment using third-party MDMs or tools.

The workaround for this issue is to convert the package into a .dmg file. However, this still leaves another issue with Screenconnect.

-  The Screenconnect agent is not installed as part of the .dmg file. The primary reason for this is that the Screenconnect component of the agent is not a 'signed' package. Consequently, macOS security does not allow the installation. 

- You cannot upload the 'Screenconnect installer' to any MDM solution as it is not a 'signed' package.

- Additionally, the ScreenRecording and Accessibility permission should get enabled as part of the installation on MacOS systems as part of the agent installation.

There are more details and information discussed with your support teams under the following tickets, which you can review for more information:

ConnectWise Case #02257957

ConnectWise Case #02027339

Pending Review

Add a publisher to your install files, sign your files

Jason Armitage 4 months ago updated 4 months ago 0

Our security team repeatedly runs into issues with your installer built from the console not having enough information from the application to verify it was built from you. There's no publisher attach to the file. Why is this not a thing? In addtion to unsigned dlls, your install files create quite a mess.

Pending Review

Allow us to disable auto updates for specific session groups. A controlled rollout would be nice.

Jason Armitage 4 months ago 0

It would give us more control over the rollout of the updates and allow us to discontinue using a different application to push out the agents.