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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Extend Guest Access time limit, currently 1,4,8,24 hrs, need week, month, year options.

anonymous 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 11

We would like to give Guest access to a host view only for longer than 24 hrs. We have a client that has a screen connect account and a PC host that monitors a water pump station. They would like to have clients in the city show the Water Pump software running on the host machine to clients and city officials. Free advertising for Screen Connect as well! Can this be done? I only see 1,4,8,24 hr access under host pass. I would like an indefinite option or at least a week or month or year.

Under Review


plexustech 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 1

now in V 6.0, the logged in user has the circle with their inital in it in the bottom left. It would be really cool if this supported gravatars based on email adress.

Under Review

Configurable and Visual Dashboard for Unattended Clients

TheFIxerAK 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 1

We have MANY unattended servers/desktops that we monitor, and it would fantastic if we could create a visual dashboard (That could run on a large monitor) that would allow us to select systems to view at a glance to see if a server/computer was running/connected.

Considering that we already have the ScreenConnect client loaded on all these systems and it already collects all the data that we need to monitor, it just seems redundant to have to load another client like Nagios to monitor the basic system info that we need.

I would even be willing to purchase another product that would allow me to monitor the SC clients in a configurable/visual way.

If anyone is already doing this in a different way, please let me know.


Show "Status" on messages for full time access machines.

John C 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 2

Customers chat with me all the time by right clicking on the running client in their system tray or Task bar. It would be great to have a way to tell them I am not on my computer or a message that I will be available at a specific time. Just an over all "Away" message

Under Review

Autosize thumbnail

Paulo Parent 8 years ago updated by mhighsmith 8 years ago 1

With ScreenConnect v6, the thumbnail is much too wide to be completely visible in the information area. A parameter "ThumbnailAutosize" would be convenient to adjust the thumbnail to the column information width.

Apologize for my bad english.

Under Review

Chat History

Mitch 8 years ago updated by Cody Arnold 8 years ago 1

When connected to a computer, the chat will only last until that computer restarts, then the chat log goes blank.

It would be nice to see the chat log history extended.

Under Review

Performance: Visual Effects

Futura 8 years ago 0

It would be great if Screenconnect would set the visual effects on a windows client automatically to "Adjust for best performance" and back to the old setting at logout. This improves screen transfer significant. Teamviewer does this (and disables Aero on older windows versions).

Under Review

blank multiple screens

crkkze 8 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 3

From my Host tab I would like to be able to choose the system I would lIke to blank the screen on. This would be multiple screens and woulfd have a custom messge. For example we use this for

Digital signage and Noaa sends us messages. When I receive the message I could choose the

systems I want the message to go to . Enter the data and it would blank the screen with that message. Then from the host tab could uncheck the systems and the blank screen could disappear.

Considering for Future Release

"Launch Host Page" shortcut on server uses public IP instead of localhost or local IP

GeneJu 8 years ago updated by Stian Langsrud 3 years ago 3

Please add ability to direct "Launch Host Page" shortcut to different IP address.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\ScreenConnect\Bin\Elsinore.ScreenConnect.Service.exe" launch host IP=localhost

Considering for Future Release

The ability to set the client to bypass windows proxy settings completely (not even attempt)

mike 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 3

Currently it will try to use your windows proxy settings no matter what, and then fail to just connecting directly. We have seen issues with users on FIOS getting bunk DNS replies for the proxy URL and therefore taking 5 minutes for the screenconnect client to finally fail and just connect directly though. If we could simply set something to bypass proxy settings even if they exist that would give way more flexibility.