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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Personal toolbox for Linux and Mac

Jason 9 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 7

As a predominant Linux user I would love to see a personal Toolbox just like the Windows client. My company, we do not use the shared toolbox as we all have out own tools and such that we like to use individually and not all of us have admin to update the files at will.


Create a way to identify monitors by number that corresponds to the number in the host client when switching monitors.

Ryan 9 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 3

Maybe have a button that can display the monitor number in the window on hover over.

Considering for Future Release

Convert Win10/WinMobile10 to full UWP app with Continuum support

nemosoft 9 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 2

Please convert existing Win10/WinMobile10 to full UWP app with Continuum support


BlackBerry App

Shaya 9 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 9 months ago 3

Tried to install the Android APK on my BlackBerry device, it works untill connecting to partner computer then it crashes, so if can optimise the android APK to work for BlackBerry, or design a BlackBerry 10 App, i would appriciate it


Allow Embedded Themes for Blue and Green

Steven 9 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 4

Partner request: The Embedded theme included with ScreenConnect uses the Red Accents. It would be nice if the Embedded theme instead mirrored the otherwise set theme when using an iFrame, just without the header, or if there were EmbeddedBlue and EmbeddedGreen options out of the box to use as alternatives.


anonymous 6 years ago

Hey Guys,

Install the Custom Theme Manager and you'll be able to build your own custom embedded theme. 



Notify Host on connection when Support Session not running in service mode.

Steven 9 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 9 months ago 2


When hosting support sessions, host doesn't know if guest is running in elevated mode or not, and if they can interact with UAC prompt or reboot and rejoin. Should have some way to easily identify this within the host session window.


Collect Additional Identifying Information about System on General Tab such as Serial Number

Steven 9 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 3


Requesting additional Information on the General Tab for a Session that can assist in identifying a system for inventory purposes, or for cross verifying in other systems through APIs. Primary information would be Make (Vendor), Model, and Serial Number of the remote system.


Ability to store customer email address to be used via trigger

Administrator 9 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 9 months ago 3

Partner would like to be able to store customer email address and user in triggers.

User Story:

Partner would like to notify guest via email when a technician connects to their machine. If they were able to use the customer email address in a trigger, they could accomplish this.


TopDesk Integration

Mike Bannerman 9 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 9 months ago 4

Partner request for and integration with TopDesk:



Ability to close a support session with a keystroke

Mike Bannerman 9 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 4 months ago 3

Partner would like the ability to close a support session without having to take control of the mouse.

User Story:
There are instances when a partner needs to observe a customer in a session without disturbing them. When the product's focus is on the SC host client, any keystroke or mouse movement, of course, is sent directly to the customer. So in order to leave the session you have to "fight" the customer for control of the mouse to hit the exit button.

A keyboard shortcut comments would work well.

close end exit