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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Provide the ability to disable new 6.0 notification balloon "still going..."

anonymous 8 years ago updated 7 years ago 7

Partner requests the ability to be able to disable the new 6.0 notification balloon, that appears when the client is minimized, through the app.config settings.

Considering for Future Release

Store custom information published in custom fields, to a new table so that when SC is uninstalled, or reinstalled, it gets retained when it is back online. Perhaps tie it to a unique GUID or similar.

networkn 8 years ago updated by Dimitri Rodis 7 years ago 4

Usage example

There are times when the "user" is a generic name, and we use the custom field to note which user or which specific location in a building that machine is. The problem is that after the software gets uninstalled, so does the information related to the note. We need this to persist. Perhaps a new table which contains all the "custom" information, tied to the GUID of the software or some other unique ID.

Pending Review

.Net Framework Auto Download/Install

CTEZ 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 1

Instead of getting a weird error message when running SC on a guest machine that doesn't have a required .Net Framework installed, provide a message like "Required .Net framework not installed. Would you like to download and install it?" with a YES and NO button. Selecting YES button will auto download and install/silent install the required .Net Framework then re-run SC. Selecting NO button will close SC and the appropriate error windows. I've have gotten several clients who download SC and they are presented with that nasty error message indicating a .Net Framework not installed either because they don't update their computer or for some reason it never got installed or whatever the reason is. It needs to be easy a non technical person to download and install missing components needed to run SC.


Clear selection when searching

eric sprenger 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 5 2 duplicates

I find quite often when I'm searching that after typing in my search team I press enter to perform the search (like you do with just about any other search box in the world). I've discovered that if I have a computer selected before the search, and it's included in the search results, that I automatically connect to it because I pressed enter. This is SUPER annoying. Would it be possible to make sure all selections are cleared out when doing a search?


Considering for Future Release

Offer a hybrid local and hosted installation, and backup option

Stephen 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 2

I love having my locally managed version of ScreenConnect, however I can see a real benefit to users and to ScreenConnect in offering a redundant connection to my sessions when my office loses internet.

You would have an inactive copy of my installation that I could access at those times, for a fee. X number of dollars a year (added to maintenance agreement ?) for x number of days of hosted access.

This option would also server as a backup of my ScreenConnect installation.

Pending Review

Use host's keymap(keyboard layout)

Erich Cottom 8 years ago updated by Mike Bannerman 8 years ago 1

When working with foreign customer they sometime have different keymaps(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_and_American_keyboards). This makes it very difficult for the host to type in commands that require symbols like quote("). This is much worse for say a Japanese layout. Using the hosts keyboard layout or providing the ability to pick from a list would be awesome.

Under Review

Request consent at run-time

DaMtechMatt 8 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 4

It would be great if when connecting to a session, before loading it asks if we require consent from the other end. Some users prefer it, some don't mind not having it.
At the moment we get round this by switching user. Each tech has two users. One that requires consent, one that doesn't.

A bot to check if we require consent from the user would be so much easier

Considering for Future Release

Session Window resizing

Hank Anderson 8 years ago updated by Simon 3 years ago 3

Currently when you resize the session window it auto scales the session to fit the window.

we would like an option to not auto scale, some times we need to resize a window around a specific part of the screen to monitor something and with the auto scaling we cant do this as easily.

with this it would be nice if it remembered the window size/location, not so much the location on the host desktop but what part of the remote session you were viewing.


Set default screen quality (general, per group, per machine)

Frank Mayer 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 2

It would be great, to be able to have a default screen quality, with which the connection starts.

This is especially important in the case of slow connections, where a connection always starts at the highest quality and we need to manually downgrade it. Waiting times until the first high quality draw has finished so we can work with the remote machine, on slow connections ranges from half a minute to a minute or more...
The default setting should maybe be a program/group/machine default setting.

Another setting that could maybe be of interest, could be to remember whatever quality the last connection to a specific machine had, and use that as a default for a new one.


make frames adjustable on screenconnect host site

Arnel 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 1

Image 4

anonymous 8 years ago

We're changing the host page format for 6.0 to give more real estate for the session list. I'm declining this issue for now.