Your comments

Hi Kalebdienelt, 

No, it is not possible to avoid the relay. 


ConnectWise Control is FIPS-compliant but not FIPS-certified. Our Relay service is responsible for handling traffic to and from your ConnectWise Control server. All traffic is automatically encrypted with AES-256 block encryption and RSA provided by the Microsoft RSA/Schannel Cryptographic Provider. These particular implementations of the AES-256 and RSA algorithms have been designated as FIPS compliant for ConnectWise Control servers on Windows. For more information, see Microsoft's documentation on FIPS 140 Validation.

If you need an official compliance letter, contact Sales at

Hi Avinash, 

Sounds like you'll need the .scapp file I referenced above. Click on the link to read more about how to send .scapp files through the toolbox. 


Hi Jesse, 

If you're looking to view archived information, the previous forum will remain read only. We're working on a replacement for the forum at this time that will be integrated with Connectwise University. I'll post more here when that new forum is live. 



Hi Avinash, 

Do you want to deploy an executable from the toolbox, or send a file to specific location on a machine without executing it? 

Currently, you can deploy and execute a toolbox item to several machines at once. Simply check the box next to the session name in the list, and you'll see the option to "Run Tool" in the right hand column. 

To send a file to a specific location on a machine without executing, you'll want to look into a .scapp file. 

Hope this helps!