Your comments

Hi dward, 

We can easily find machines that aren't connected to your instance, but we have no knowledge of whether these machines are offline because the agent was uninstalled or for some other reason. To find machines that don't have a guest connected, the easiest way is to create a session group using the filter GuestConnectedCount = 0. This will pull all machines without a guest connected into one group. 

Hope this helps!


Hi ExudeIT, 

Often sessions are in multiple session groups at the same time, so it may be difficult to order screenshots by session group alone. Can you tell us a little more about what you're screenshotting and why? 


Hi Lyeoman, 

The guest client does not include the option to toggle BeepOnConnect. The easiest way to enable BeepOnConnect at a global level is through the Advanced Configurator extension. 

Hope this helps!