Your comments

Hi Carl, 

Would you like to publish this on the extension marketplace for other partners to use? I understand that this hasn't been added to the core product as requested, but thought it might be useful as an extension. 

Hi Rick! We're working with the Halo team to publicize the integration, but I was told the beta version is currently available on the Halo marketplace. 

Hi Jyoti, 

Please refer to the email we sent yesterday, or your open ticket with Support. 

Hi Gavin, 

This extension was removed from the Extension Marketplace for all Control instances because of compatibility issues with later versions of the product. We did not remove it from existing instances, though it may now be in your Inactive list of extensions because of a load error. We can look to fix and republish this extension, but it may take some time -- it will go into the same pool as other priority work. 



Hi AJT, 

The Freshservice integration was actually developed by the Freshworks team. I've reached out to them (again) to see what the status of the integration is. The APIv2 comment is news to us, have followed up.