Your comments

Hi C1Bruce, 

Are you speaking specifically about the Remote Workforce setup? If so, there's a report you can run from the Extras menu on the left hand side: 

If you're speaking about Notes in general, we'll keep this as a feature request and review. Thanks!

Hi Steven, 

The RemoveCommandFromSession is there to clean up the commands run as part of the Remote Diagnostic Toolkit so they don't blow up the database. From an auditing perspective, the history of these commands and whether they're deleted is in the Audit Log. If someone deletes a command it's EventAttributes changes to 'UserDeleted'.

Hi Garth, 

The Freshservice integration was actually developed by the Freshworks team. Unfortunately it looks like they did take it down from their marketplace. I'm reaching out to see what the status of this integration is. Sorry for the delay!



Hi MichaelB, 

If we were to open this up to non-admins, would you be comfortable with everyone on your team having access to reporting? Or would you like to see some permissions around who can and cannot run reports? 

We'll look into making this feature available to non-admins in the near future. 



Hi! If you're on an Access or Premium license, the Remote Diagnostic Toolkit does offer the option to download the list of software per endpoint. 

I'm interested to know why you'd want a list of all software for all endpoints? Additional info will help us better understand your request. 



Awesome, good to know!

Hi Mau, 

Development is currently investigating this, hope to have it in an upcoming release!

HI JoJo!

We're currently investigating an integration with Cherwell. At this time we believe the integration would allow remote support sessions to be directly launched from inside the application, send an invite to a guest, and pass that session info (messages, events) back to Cherwell. What else would you expect the integration to do?