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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Considering for Future Release

Keyboard shortcut in the Mac app to cycle through the options in view > select monitors

simon dodd 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 1

Keyboard shortcut in the Mac app to cycle through the options in view > select monitors


More details in documentation about remote printing, RE: Drivers

ResolveIT_Flunky 6 years ago updated by Brian 5 years ago 2

I'd like to see in the official documentation how Control chooses to use a print driver.  It appears that it will use the same driver that the computer local to the printer uses if that exact driver is installed on the remote computer. 

We worked on a ticket for a long time about printing issues over a remote connection (#10780644).  Installing the same driver on both PCs allowed us to fix our issue ourselves.  CWC support didn't know how to help us on it although their effort was good.  Our issue was that the Microsoft XPS Class Driver (used on Windows 10) would not handle narrow margins but the OEM printer driver does.

Example: Customer uses a Brother MFC-8810DW printer in their Branch office on PC2. 

Connects to Main Office PC1 to print documents located on PC1, sending the print jobs to the Branch Office PC2 Brother printer.

By default, ScreenConnect will use the 'Microsoft XPS Class Driver'

If the same driver used on PC2 for the MFC-8810DW is installed on PC1, ScreenConnect will use that driver instead

Printer will then behave identically to how it prints locally.

Under Review

Android Remote Full Feature Commands

Peter OTools 6 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

It just an idea. I don't know much about android system, but if it is a way to get a full package of remote commands, as we can inject to pc from Command Tab, that would be awesome. I just tripped over this question: "How do I reboot an android remotely, since I need to push buttons physically?" Well partially i fixed it by adding an App to do it, but it won't be a way to do things professionally speaking.

Considering for Future Release

Warning screen on Idle Disconnect

ntibayan 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 1

Add a warning "session will disconnect due to inactivity" message so that user can make input before screen disconnects.

Under Review

Android clipboard

TechCare 6 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 2

SC Version - 6.7.19388.6796

ConnectWise Control Android Version - 18.2.18976.6761

Android OS - 8.0.0

Phone - SM-G960F

I am finding that if I give remote support via my Android device (Samsung Galaxy S9 Edge) I cannot copy from the Android system and then paste into the remote support session. The clipboard doesn't appear to be functioning.

This is a pain because with passwords for clients coming in all shapes, sizes, complexity levels it takes a fair amount of time to go back and forward between Android and SC session.

I don't know if this is a bug or it needs to be a new feature. I cannot remember not doing it before so I thought I would raise this issue.


Steven Swarts


Pending Review

reorder employee columns in dispatch portal calendar view

Mike Sobie 6 years ago 0

Be able to drag/drop names in a particular order in a calendar view.


Project templates should have phase billing option as well like the project phase does.

Guy Baroan 6 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

When a template is created, the phase has the option to bill separately. This is good. It would be better if the option to bill when the phase is closed or the project is closed like the actual project phase does, was included. Additionally along this same line, we offer flat fee projects. Having a cost capability for this phase in the template would be great as well.

anonymous 6 years ago


This doesn't seem like a Control request.

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ConnectWise Ad on bottom left once logged in

CompuIntegration 6 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

There is a new direct in-your-face advertisement on the bottom left of the main portal once logged in.  Any newly created user has to see this, and it beaks the concept of brand-ability and solicits our customers internally -- out of context. This ad is non-configurable and sports CW's name on a highly already branded platform for our customers (1 or more instances).  It says something of the sort "CONNECTWISE VIEW ... TRY THE TECHNICAL PREVIEW OF CONNECTWISE VIEW ... ETC ETC".  Shown below:

Image 295

Being able to close this popup is not the point.  The point is that it's placement is inappropriate and needs to (A) not exist -- ever or (B) have an "off" switch in the admin settings to never be shown for any users.

Every new user we create has to see it and is confused at references to CW.

If CW wants to advertise to us (not needed; we are already a customer) or relay new info, then email our admin email on file and still let us subscribe or unsubscribe like any other modern reputable company with a marketing or informational campaign.  Further, this removes our customers from seeing this.  Holding one hostage to an out of place branded ad / info panel on an already paid platform is not appropriate.

anonymous 6 years ago


Anyone who would like their account excluded from this in-app message can send their AccountID to kmartinez@connectwise.com 


Thank you.

Pending Review

"Additional General Information" extension search

Miko 6 years ago 0


Would it be possible to search based on info pulled up in the "Additional General Information" extention (eg by the serial number that the BIOS spits out, computer model, etc)?


Under Review

Ability to create a session group that is hidden to all role groups by default.

Nicholas Aguirre 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 4

By default session groups are visible to all and have to be hidden for each role one by one. With lots of session groups or lots of roles this is both time consuming and hard to manage.

Example: If I create a session group called "Florida Group" and only wanted my FL role to see it, instead of going only to FL and turning the session group on, I instead have to go to the other 49+ groups to hide the session group fro them.