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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Default web page

David G 6 years ago updated by Mike Bannerman 6 years ago 1

We use a self-hosted ConnectWise Control server.

Every time we log in to ConnectWise Control, the "Support" web page opens as first page. As we seldom use this page, we want as default setting that the "Access" web page opens after logging in.

Today there is no way within the application to change how the page default.

Can you add an option to select which page opens first?

Considering for Future Release

Guest Client To Host Client Direct Chat

simplepccare 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 1

An end-user could send a chat message from their guest client directly to a designated host's client. Along with receiving message notifications - admins can designate certain or all organizational machines within their instance - that have their own Connectwise Control access clients installed - to receive direct messages from a guest or from other techs from within their organization that may not be on premises.

This could help alleviate the need to always be logged into the dashboard to answer messages and / or solve issues that may not require a full screen sharing session.

Considering for Future Release

SSH Switch Support

Christopher Davis 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 2

It would be nice to have a way to be able to allow for a probe or something on site to be able to ssh into switches or other devices. While still allowing logging and security via control.

Under Review

Use MacOS Hardware UUID for Control Session ID

Alex Hart 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 1

I'd like to request that both with when a session ID is generated at runtime (derived from mac address in the a absence of s= value in ClientLaunchParameters.txt with a custom install), and when using provided installers that injects a value in that file, that the session ID be equal to the hardware UUID. As reported in  Service Ticket#11461647, it is possible for the session ID generated from mac address to be the same across machines. When this isn't unique, suddenly people are unexpectedly connected to the wrong computer or can't connect to the computer they need since it only shows one of the computers with overlapping IDs at a time. This is embarrassing and a security risk. Anyway, regardless of the issues that come from overlapping session IDs when the session ID isn't stored in the ClientLaunchParameters.txt access client configuration, the other issue is if you re-install an access agent, the session id changes and you end up with a mess of duplicate session entries in the admin panel. One place the unique hardware UUID can be found is using `/usr/sbin/system_profiler -detailLevel basic`. I can't think of a good argument against using this value.

Under Review

Map IP address to site name

SBTSLLC 6 years ago updated 5 years ago 3

Many of my clients have several remote sites with many laptops moving between them.  I'm wondering if it's possible to add a feature so that I could identify the external IP address's of all the sites with a name, and that name would be displayed after the "Network Address" on the General tab.

Considering for Future Release

Log in Warning Message for Control

Everett O. 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 2

I would like the ability to display a warning message once an engineer connects to a remote machine via Control. I have several application systems that require a specific account to stay logged into them at all times. Thus, i would like to display a warning that an engineer must acknowledge before being able to log into the system. This is the opposite of the Consent to Connect feature as that prompts the users of the system, i need to prompt the technician that is remoting into the system via Control.

We are transitioning away from Kaseya, which we have this capability. It would be nice to have the same feature in Control/automate.

Image 385

Pending Review

i want to lock a session so other technicans cant vieuw and use the same hist

stefan1987 6 years ago 0

i want to lock a session when one thechnican is connected to it so other technicans cant connect to it

Pending Review

Confirm button before closing an access session

Chrisons Co. Ltd 6 years ago 0

We would like a confirm button to pop up every time we want to close an access session (Unattended)

Considering for Future Release

local drive mapping

eklock 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 4

Allow access to local or mapped drives on the remote access machine.

Under Review

Associate dll with toolbox item

cps 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 3

One of the nice features of the Toolbox is to be able to add a portable executable. This is great provided that the executable is completely self-contained, however in many cases the tool might require one or more DLLs or other components. It would be great to be able to have a mechanism to associate a group of files to be downloaded to temporary space when a tool is invoked, so the tool can use them.

As an illustration, in the documentation for the recently released Backstage feature, it is suggested to add Explorer++ to the toolbox to provide a file manager within the Backstage mode. That's a great idea, except Explorer++ has a tendency to crash frequently, and it does not offer side-by-side panels. A superior alternative is a tool called Just Manager, which is a free portable file manager that does not crash in Backstage, has side-by-side panels, and is about a quarter the size executable. But the Just Manager exe program relies on a small DLL called IconPack. As such, if you simply click on Just Manager in the toolbox it will fail because the DLL is missing.

Now, it turns out that if you also add the IconPack.dll to the toolbox, and click it prior to clicking on Just Manager, ScreenConnect downloads the DLL to temporary space and subsequently if you click Just Manager it can find the DLL and run normally. However although this approach works, it is messy and not scalable, as there is no way for a user to know which DLLs go with which tools in the toolbox. What would be better would be to automate this process and hide the detail from the user.

One possible mechanism would be to encapsulate the files into a .zip, and add the .zip to the toolbox rather than the individual files. If such a toolbox entry is clicked, ScreenConnect downloads the zip file to the temp area, unpacks it, and runs the executable that has the same name as the zip file. So for example we could have justmanager.zip which contains both justmanager.exe and iconpack.dll (and perhaps other related files like a help file). ScreenConnect would unpack the whole thing into the temp area and then run justmanager.exe.