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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


ability to use Powershell or Command Prompt in Screen Connect and Automate

anthony 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 3

It would be great if when sending a command to a system we could chose if this should be run in a power shell or command prompt environment

Pending Review

Can we get access to SVG resources?

Welz 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 3

It'd be nice if there was a folder of icons/resources (in vector format) which we could access for our customization etc.

Under Review

Images/GIFs in chat pop-up

Nathan Thompson 6 years ago updated 5 years ago 3

Needs more images and cat GIFs. (Image URL -> load image into frame)

Pending Review

Add optional session code per tech

Tekwhat 6 years ago updated by Dan Taylor 4 years ago 4

I would like a way to assign a code to each technician so that when they create a new session, their assigned number is the session number. But if the user has not been assigned a code, it defaults to the normal random 4 digit session code.

User       Session Code Assignment
Daniel     0
Jim         1

When Daniel clicks "Create +" the session is made with a session code of 0
When Alex clicks "Create +" the session is made with a system generated session code

Pending Review

Limit Logon Failure Response to only "Login failed; Invalid userID or password"

Donato - Agio 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 2

Our internal security team has identified that the Control portal is not currently compliant with OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) Top 10 Application Security Risks.  Per the ticket I opened we are submitting this feature request, which is actually to limit the response dialog to only "Login failed; Invalid userID or password"


Authentication and Error Messages

Incorrectly implemented error messages in the case of authentication functionality can be used for the purposes of user ID and password enumeration. An application should respond (both HTTP and HTML) in a generic manner.

Authentication Responses

An application should respond with a generic error message regardless of whether the user ID or password was incorrect. It should also give no indication to the status of an existing account.

Incorrect Response Examples (All Currently Present in Control)

"Login for User foo: invalid password"

"Login failed, invalid user ID"

"Login failed; account disabled"

"Login failed; this user is not active"

Correct Response Example

"Login failed; Invalid userID or password"


The standard from OWASP is A2:2017 Broken Authentication - https://www.owasp.org/images/7/72/OWASP_Top_10-2017_%28en%29.pdf.pdf

From their cheat sheet section 1.1.8 Authentication and Error messages - https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Authentication_Cheat_Sheet


Ability to add pre-populate Access sessions CustomProperty fields

Daniel Brooks 6 years ago updated by Katarina 5 years ago 9

It would be nice to pre-populate CustomProperty fields within the Access Build+ menu to let new Screenconnect Access users know which terms they need to type in.

For example, I created a Tier 1 session group, and edited properties to say CustomProperty2 LIKE 'Tier 1'. Whenever someone creates a new Build+, and adds the term Tier 1 to the CustomProperty2 field, it automatically places that session into their Access group. The Tier 1 security group limits their access to only these machines.

Currently, if the value has already been used before, it shows up in a dropdown. But, for new Screenconnect Access users, they don't know that need to be typing in Tier 1 in order to view Access sessions. 

This could be accomplished by including a dropdown, an editable text overlay on the CustomField box, or by including a "Notes" Custom Property without a field that can filled out. (For example, I could add a note that says "Please enter Tier 1 into the box"

Optional, possibly 2nd feature request: Make CustomProperty fields mandatory. This prevents Access sessions from being created without being assigned to a certain Session Group.

Screenshot example: https://imgur.com/a/xOlmLlV,  https://imgur.com/a/x90QE52

Pending Review

Disable local to remote and session to local copy per session.

CrackerJack 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 1

Need to have the ability to turn off local to remote copy with in the session.

When moving are sums of files on the remote system (remote network system to remote network system) like TB and High amount of GB this tends to lock up sessions when copy to session is enabled and having the ability to turn this off on the fly would be a great help with out always modifying the config and reinstalling.

Pending Review

suspend bitlocker for reboot

Steph 6 years ago updated by EBell 6 years ago 1

Include an option to suspend Bitlocker when sending Reboot command

Under Review

Pass user from Control to the logs in zendesk for support sessions

AlexL 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 1

When a support session is closed from the control plugin, the user that the API token belongs to, to connect Control to Zendesk shows as the user, instead of the actual user that created and end the session.

Pending Review

Ability to position monitor displays in client.

Mazz 6 years ago 0

The way the client program displays monitors is really unconventional. 

Instead of setting up the displays like you would in a security camera monitor, they're just put next to each other and minimized the more monitors there are. Yes you can zoom in and scroll across to each monitor, but it's a hassle to do on PC's, especially if there's 3 or more monitors, and useless whilst on mobile/tablet.

I'd suggest the ability to either; move the displays manually to set areas, that way you can have them set out the way you feel most comfortable with, or have them set out to use the entire window and split them evenly amongst the entire space.

Lastly, if I'm being an idiot and this is already possible, feel free to call me out and point me towards the options.
