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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Improve app controls

Zanthexter 6 years ago updated by lbelue 6 years ago 1

The "micro mouse" used for control in the app is an ongoing daily frustration. Every single time. Multiple times a day. 

The scroll wheel in particular is really horrible. It scrolls things when I don't want it to. It doesn't scroll when I do. It's damn phone. Who the heck thought a super tiny mouse was an appropriate way to do remote control?

Please take a look at Splashtop. They do it "right". They have a mouse mode that works better than CWC. Better, they have a touch pad mode that works quite well. Which is probably why most laptop manufacturer's use it.

Please please please fix the CWC mobile experience. 


Allow email configuration for the Guest Session Starter

Allen Crist 6 years ago updated by Warwagon 2 years ago 10

Currently I get emails all the time like this: "[SC] Your guest to session 'TAM-VM' has connected (EOM)"

I am told that it's from the guest session starter ext.

I really like that ext and don't want to disable. Can you please add an option in the ext to be able to control if it sends out emails or not?

Sean White 5 years ago


You can delete the trigger 'Notify when guest connects to unconnected support or meeting session' to eliminate these emails.

Under Review

the ability to give an end user access to a workstation during a particular time frame each day

mvayda 6 years ago updated by Sean White 6 years ago 1

The ability to have an end user to have access to remotely connect to the workstation he or she is using at a certain time period each day to work around a user that is physically using the computer during regular business hours. For example having the remote end user have the ability to connect after 5 pm, so the remote user isn't interrupting the on-site user between 8 am to 5 pm

Under Review

UI build client - gray done button

Aland 6 years ago updated by anonymous (Product Marketing Manager) 5 years ago 3

Every time I go to build a client I end  up hitting the DONE button instead of download.  Please make the DONE button go away, move it to the left and change the name to CANCEL.


native .NET for the server implementation

Allen Crist 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 2

Screenconnect needs to have native .NET for the server implementation on Linux. This would solve so many issues (high CPU with mono, SSL issues, etc.)

I can't believe this isn't already a thing. It seems like the current dev is obsolete. 


clipboard size limit

Vince Russo 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 3 1 duplicate

I love how the software syncs the host and clients clipboard. But I've also had times were I'm using the clipboard to move are large file from one directory to another within the remote session (not copying from remote to host), and my session and in cases of very large files, my whole onpremise connectwise control server locks up until clipboard sync is completed. Could there be a way to set a size limit that if a item in the remote clipboard is over a certain size it does not try to sync? And make the size limit configurable?

Considering for Future Release

Private Remote Control

gregg 6 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 2

I would like to have an option to remote control a computer at night or whenever and when I logoff, the original user would show up at next login instead of our admin login.  We had this feature in a different system and was nice.  The user gets crabby when they "can't login" because their username is not their in the morning.

Pending Review

Measuring active time in session

megan campbell 6 years ago 0

My company would like to have a measurement of active time in a session. This includes when the agent is using the mouse and keyboard and doing work. It doesn't include the idle time when they sit, waiting without using the mouse keyboard.

This is important for a business to measure the active time to know the level of their human resources are being used on remote sessions. So that we can staff at the optimum level and more. I can see this adding business value for a lot of your customers.


Add Current System Time under General Info

Eric Morrow 6 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 2

Option to show the current system time of the agent under General Info so that at a glance it would be easy to identify time sync issues.

Under Review

Provide a link to resend the two factor authentication code

Tyler Findleton 6 years ago updated by anonymous 5 years ago 5

Provide a link to resend the two factor authentication code should the SMS provider not send it in a timely manner. We've had several issues where the code is sent late or never at all and the half login process breaks the ability for that user to login and they must then use a different web browser. Very annoying.