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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Be able to disable user accounts without deleting

David T 5 years ago updated by CraigB 3 months ago 6

Need another checkbox

Image 529

Under Review

Linux Client support.

RobAnderson 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 4 years ago 9

I want to be able to administrate my screenconnect host from my linux computer. I'm sick of having to download a .jnlp file every time i connect to a guest.  The security errors are irritating. I'm guessing switching to html 5 might help with this. 

Under Review

Run a command as a separate / background process

cps 7 years ago updated by Patrick S 3 years ago 10

Running a client-side command via the Commands tab is limited not only by amount of output but also by time. In other words a command run at the prompt will be killed if it exceeds a web.config specified period of time (10 seconds by default). It is quite common to want to run a command that takes longer than 10 seconds. For example, I have a disk cleanup powershell script that I push to clients that can take 10-12 minutes to run. Changing the default timeout period in web.config is not a good solution to this problem, as the system essentially hangs waiting for the command to complete.

Suggestion: offer an option to run the command as a spawned / background process on the client, similar to running a program or batch script via the START or CALL commands (and suppressing the pop up of a command window on the client). Thus, the command will execute on the client without tying up the Commands tab. An additional enhancement would allow for capture of output to a log file and emailing the result to the technician upon completion of the command.

Under Review

When Blank Screen is enabled, prevent the movement of the mouse cursor from appearing.

pchan 7 years ago updated by Danielle 6 months ago 14 1 duplicate

When Blank Screen is enabled on a host, it would be ideal for us to not show the mouse cursor and it's movement as navigate through their computer.


Add iOS screen sharing with Unattended Support

Jan 7 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 3 years ago 6

Hello, I am currently using GoToAssist and Teamviewer for two different purposes and am considering ScreenConnect as a potential replacement. However, I know that Teamviewer will be supporting iOS screensharing but I do not know that Screenconnect will. If there are no plans to enable this feature in Screenconnect, then this will be a deal breaker for me.

Please add iOS screen sharing with unattended support. I am specifically looking at signing up with your Remote Access packages.

Considering for Future Release

Ability to change time/date format in logs and console

Liam Bowers 7 years ago updated by Vlad Velciu 2 years ago 4

Currently set to MM-DD HH:MM:SS in the timeline and audit logs, give ability to set various formats for different localities. 

Under Review

Two Factor Authentication on Join

Loyd Smith 8 years ago updated by CJTech 5 years ago 8

For PCI compliance it would be really nice to be able to ask for a GoogleAuth token upon connection to the client's machine. Currently we have to lock the user's computer and enter a password to login. This is a poor workaround as if someone were to hack our LabTech environment, they would have all these passwords anyway. It seems like it would be very simple to add a second GoogleAuth challenge each time you make a remote connection to a computer. This should work in all ConnectWise environments where you can launch a ScreenConnect session: ConnectWise, LabTech and ScreenConnect.

Under Review

NinjaMSP integration

james 8 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 4 years ago 6

I originally posted here:


And was directed to make a feature request here. I and many others would love to see some integration with NinjaMSP. Like I stated in the original thread, I understand this might be a long shot now that you guys are under the umbrella of a competing product.

Having said that, I think if you're going to continue to offer Control as a standalone product it would be great for you to consider this integration as I believe Control is the a superior product when compared to Teamviewer (the integreated offering from Ninja).


Considering for Future Release


Luca 8 years ago updated 4 years ago 11

I'm currently using ScreenConnect in a docker container.

( I've created this simple image: https://hub.docker.com/r/kenayagi/screenconnect/ )
It has been working well so far, but I'm forced to so some magic to correctly update it (read: run db update scripts manually after new pulls).

Any chance of getting official support?
It would be really great to have an official image directly from ConnectWise.


Require 2FA only on new browser

Nick S 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 17 2 duplicates

As with other applications that use 2 Factor Authentication, there should be a "remember this machine" checkbox so as to not prompt every time.