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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Considering for Future Release

Delete / recall chat messages

Liam Bowers 6 years ago updated by support 7 months ago 6

Quite a simple concept, i want to be able to delete/recall messages sent in the chat box. We've had a few mistakes recently where it would have been a bit of a lifesaver. You can obviously close the chat window, but you then send another message and the last one appears again in the chat history.

Considering for Future Release

See the the client list on sort on Idle Time

Remco van den Noort 7 years ago updated by ToddG 2 years ago 14

I like to see the client list on sort on Idle Time


Merge Start and General tabs

Brendon 7 years ago updated by Peter OTools 6 years ago 14 2 duplicates

Please merge the Start and General Tabs. This could easily be done by placing the screenshot at the bottom of the general tab information. Also, if it's really important to be able to change the Name and Organization like in the Start tab - the same fields in the General tab could be made editable.

Image 138

Look forward to seeing this in the next release.

Under Review

Terminal Servers: Prompt user for consent for some (not all) users

Daniel von Verschuer 8 years ago updated by Shahin 2 years ago 4

The Prompt user for consent feature can only be set for all sessions on a Terminal Server. We'd like to remote into the Console session without user consent and enable the prompt for user sessions by default. Also, it should be possible to disable the prompt for a specified user. This should also be configurable within LabTech.

Considering for Future Release

Nested active directory groups support for authentication

Steve 8 years ago updated by LRA OAK Chris 3 years ago 5

We use a stunning number of AD groups for managing client information and access. Because of this we need to have nested groups support for authenticating to ScreenConnect. Currently I will have to manage all users in yet another group, rather than adding the "AllUsers" group as a member of the SC-HOST group.

Considering for Future Release

Add ability to enable/disable wallpaper from host

anonymous 9 years ago updated 6 years ago 4

Partner would like to be able to disable/enable wallpaper from host menu.

Under Review

Allow host to annotate their screen in a meeting

Administrator 9 years ago updated by bmarien 5 years ago 5 1 duplicate

Partner would like to annotate screen while it is being shared to participants.

User Story:

A partner is presenting his screen and would like to draw a circle around something. The ability to annotate his/her screen would allow this.

host_client annotation draw host meeting presenter remote_meeting
Pending Review

Allow to hide the Mac host client toolbar

cchang 4 years ago 1 1 duplicate

To have the quick access host client toolbar on top is great. But is sacrificed the screen size and end up scale down the screen size to 96%.

It will be great if there is an option to configure show/hide it.

Pending Review

Additional Virtual Monitors

Rocky Pierce 4 years ago updated by Liam R 2 months ago 4

I would like the ability to add extra monitors virtually. I remote into severs all the time and they usually have one monitor, which can limit me on what I'm doing. Is there a way to make the server think there are multiple monitors or some how use the Windows virtual desktops so I can have 2 different Control Windows open and use them like there are 2 monitors? Thanks. 

Pending Review

RSS Feed or Email Notifications for Version Updates

Phill Holbrook 5 years ago updated by nathan levandowski 2 years ago 4

It would be very useful to be proactively notified when a new version of ConnectWise Control is released via RSS Feed or via an email as opposed to having to periodically check the "Version Check" page in the Admin Status section.