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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Backstage Mode Option to Turn Off the Feature

CSFi 6 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 13 1 duplicate

The Backstage Mode feature that allows hosts to have complete Windows Terminal and PowerShell access to a remote machine doesn't have an option to turn it off except for using the option of unchecking SwitchLogonSession in Security Roles which also affect other features that are needed.

When you have the option to require Consent where the user has to allow access, if you use the Backstage Mode is doesn't require consent even thought the option is set on.

This is a big security issue for financial institutions that have secure servers and don't want people doing anything to their servers that they are not aware of. With the Backstage Mode option it's wide open.

Considering for Future Release

Lock on Disconnect for session groups

PaulTM 6 years ago updated by DCP 4 years ago 3

It sure would be nice if we could specify to lock on disconnect for a specific session group, or individual computer. Just modify the config for the device and send a "reconfigure" command that re-installs using the new setting. Would be super nifty. 

Considering for Future Release

Allow on-prem instances to install paid extensions.

EBell 6 years ago updated by Justin Seifert 3 years ago 7

While review new extensions available in the marketplace, I noticed some Paid extensions (Remote Diagnostics Toolbox, Report Manager). I contacted sales to see how on-prem users can install these extensions. I was told these are for Premium SaaS customers only. On-prem customers would like to be able to install these as well.

Under Review

Option to Auto-Consent if at the Lock/Login Screen

jeremy awecomm 7 years ago updated by Will Burnham 1 week ago 10

We have the option enabled that allows us to bypass the consent requirement if there are no user processes running. This works as long as no one is logged in to the console session of the server. However, if anyone forgets to log off of a server and disconnects from the Control session, we have no way back into the server.

We would like an option to bypass the consent requirement for servers that are at the lock screen or login screen regardless of whether there are active RDP sessions or a locked console session still logged on.

In the future, if you release a feature allow us to create and connect to new RDP sessions, we would like this feature to extend to those disconnected RDP sessions as well so we can reconnect to them without being prompted for consent through Control (only needing to provide Windows credentials to log in).


resize columns in admin portal

Josh Holmes 7 years ago updated by OnSiteServices 6 years ago 15 2 duplicates

It would be nice if you could resize the width of the columns in the admin portal. Kinda like this:

Image 223

Under Review

Add a log off button to the Miscellaneous tab.

oscar wilkinson 7 years ago updated by Duane Briggs 6 years ago 3

Add a log off button to the Miscellaneous tab in access sessions, to log off the currently logged in user.

Considering for Future Release

Allow Access EXE to Expire or Single Use Only

Skissors 8 years ago updated by Paul Wilson 5 years ago 2

Currently, the AccessTokenExpireSeconds controls both 'x' and 'y' seconds, where 'x' is the number of seconds an active session is open/connected, and 'y' is the number of seconds the Access screenconnect.client.exe is a valid link to open a session, making it active.

We would like to split this into two separate configuration settings, something as such:

AccessTokenExpireSeconds controls 'x', or the length of time an session is allowed to be active/usable

ClientExeExpireSeconds controls 'y', or the length of time the screenconnect.client.exe is allowed to join or create the session; an alternative is to allow single-use-only, or run once; another alternative is require to authenticate back use SC credentials each time the EXE is run

If the client EXE expires (based on 'y' amount of time), a user should be allowed to login to the SC server, and re-download it, thus, resetting the ClientExeExpireSeconds counter. Ideally, I would be setting this to something short, like 30 seconds. This reason for this is for security purposes. As of now, if a user is on a public computer using SC to login to their remote machine, that EXE will stay active 'x' amount of time, which is 24 hours by default, I believe. That user may only be in the active session for 10 minutes, but the EXE is available to other unknown people after the user has stopped using the computer, which can possibly gain unauthorized access.

Having the EXE itself expire quickly should remediate this.

Under Review

Scale out on larger network

riro 8 years ago updated by Joakim Tomren 3 years ago 4

Would like to have one single web interface but with multiple servers managing the traffic between host & guest.

We have a world wide network and today a single instance of ScreenConnect in Europe. With this setup the China and US-guys do not want to use SC to help their clients in US or China since all traffic is routed via Europe.

So instead we would like to have one web interface where all clients can be found and then multiple servers routing the traffic.

Why one web?
A workstation should be able to "roam" from Europe to US and still be found in the same interface, and with 24x7 support that follows the sun our support-guys should only have to look in one web to find the client.


Ability to download and not run tools

jhardwick 8 years ago updated by Xander Warrender 3 years ago 19

There are times where I'd just like to save the tool to the remote machine and not launch it. How about an option to right click from the toolbox and choose what you would like to do... download only, download and run (as admin), download and run as examples?

Under Review

There should be an update all extensions button or have an option to auto update extensions

Ryan 8 years ago updated by Sean White 6 years ago 4

There should be an update all extensions button or have an option to auto update extensions