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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Offer authentication via Azure AD

Edmund Davis 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 4

It would be useful to enable authentication to SC via Azure AD since most partners will likely have access to Azure AD via Office 365.

Further details here:


Considering for Future Release

Automatically adjust video quality based on bandwidth

Michael Legato (Support) 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 5

Partner would like the Host client to detect low bandwidth/slow connections and automatically adjust the video quality down when necessary. They sometimes connect to systems with a max of 512 kbps upload speed, and are having to manually adjust the quality down, while the majority of their machines have enough bandwidth to fully support high quality.

CW #7897226


Dropdown items for organization when creating access session

Larry 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 12 1 duplicate

When creating a access session, sometimes a user would type in the wrong name and therefore not show in the group they created for a specific name

Under Review

Display join code on 'Waiting for guest'

DaMtech I T Support 9 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 7

It would be great if there was a way to display the Join code for the session on the status message that states we are waiting for a guest.

Image 2


Add Setting to default Wake Lock to enabled on host Connect

Steven 9 years ago updated by Will Harder 5 years ago 11 1 duplicate

Wake-Lock was added in 5.5. Partner requesting to be able to have this default to enabled. (CW-7599095)

anonymous 8 years ago

As of 6.0, On-Premise partners can edit the Web.config file and Cloud partners can edit the Web.Config AppSettings to enable Wake Lock as default.


Add ability to run tools as elevated from Host page

anonymous 9 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 11

Partners would like the ability to run toolbox items from the host page in an elevated mode on the selected guest machine. Ideally this could run the same as the host client, with a right click option to run elevated.

1. Should be able to deploy tools and run as elevated from the host page without having to connect to the session.

Considering for Future Release

Remember login and password information for mobile apps

Administrator 9 years ago updated by RADRaze2KX 1 year ago 14

Partners would like the mobile apps to remember user login and password.

User Story:

The mobile applications should have the ability to store the user and password information to make to allow users to more quickly access their host page.

Under Review

Auto Logoff Windows session on Disconnect/Exit

MCOverwatch 5 years ago updated by Martin Old 2 years ago 12 1 duplicate

We are looking for when a SC session ends or we exit, that the Windows session also get logged off. There are too many times where a SC session disconnects, and the next day someone goes to log into the server, everything is left off where the previous tech was. We need this to be clear when a user logs into the system.


Start in Backstage mode

TheFIxerAK 6 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 3

Backstage is great and would love the option to start connections in Backstage mode rather than having to interrupt a user only to switch to backstage.

Under Review

Country Block

Luke Goosen 6 years ago updated by Alex Heylin 5 years ago 3

Would like to be able to block login requests by country, or to simply allow specific countries to have access.