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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Individual Config files

Robertw 7 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 1

Store the config file in %appdata% rather than programdata. This means that users logging onto the same machine do not overlap their settings (pinned windows etc.) - for example, on terminal servers.


Option to use numbers instead of letters for support codes

Paul Peterson 7 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 1

When we create a support session from our ScreenConnect web UI (for on-demand support), it auto-generates a four-letter code for the client to connect. We would like the option to have this generate a number code instead, which would be easier to provide clients over the phone rather than having to spell out letters using phonetics.

anonymous 7 years ago

Hey Paul,

We've changed the secure code to generate four numbers instead of four letters. You'll see the change in 6.3. 



Additional Session Filter options: Host/staff details

shawnkhall 7 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 1

Currently the session filter options are primarily limited in detail based on the guest device. I need the ability to filter and link information based on host/staff information. For example, the following session filters could easily provide significant value to distributed enterprise environments:


GuestNetworkAddress = HostNetworkAddress

This group would show all devices on the logged in users currently active network. For traveling techs, this could save quite a bit of time. Low-level techs and onsite staff could be assigned only this group for visibility to easily group only those devices they need access to at that time.

Enterprise/Vendor Domain rules for filtering:

GuestLoggedOnUserDomain = HostLoggedOnUserDomain


GuestMachineDomain = HostMachineDomain

Other host/staff details could be exposed for additional benefit. For example, "HostRole", "HostOrganization", and it would be awesome if we could have variable field input for user accounts meta information, the same as devices. HostCustomPropertyN, for example. This would allow far broader controls for grouping and permissions.

Much of this is possible through workarounds using Notes, but imagine the power of using custom property fields for staff to associate things like GuestOperatingSystemName for those staff that are only skilled in a specific OS. 


Run Toolbox elevated from OSX

Mauro Di Leo 7 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 2

Currently it's not possible to run files from toolbox elevated if using OSX.

I am connecting from a Macbook to Windows machines and need to run toolbox files elevated.

mac toolbox

security issue with ldap

obrien g 7 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 2

Hey think i found a security bug in the app.  I use LDAP to authenticate users.

I have created several security groups that provides various permissions throughout the app.

I have set up 2FA for the users, this works as standard.

However I noticed once a user is logged into ScreenConnect, and then if i then disable the user in AD.  The user still has full access to the web app, even when i close the web browser and reopen it they are still connected. 

I am using the self hosted version and running the latest software.

Ideally it would be best if once the user was disabled in AD the logged in user was locked out.  or if we could force users sessions to log out


Access to shared toolbox on cloud version

Esteban Esteban 7 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 0


Can we be able to access the toolbox on the cloud version. 

Since when the host of thoses files broke, we can't access them anymore.

Thank you and have a nice day



Remote connect to single application (like meetings has) would be nice, especially on portable devices.

bbrink 7 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 1

I'd like to be able to choose a few applications on my desktop to "publish" for use during remote access sessions, similar to the way we can choose application to publish during a meeting. This would be especially useful when remoting in via smartphone or tablet with smaller screen.


Drop menu for select language

Eric Boisvert 7 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 1

Have a selection menu to choose the language on the first interface. For select the plugin language installed.

Example: English or French


research with bios serial

Esteban Esteban 7 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 0


Can we add a research with a BIOS Serial 

With the app :"Additional General Information"

Thank you,

Have a nice day


Under Review

Manage Shared Toolbox - select multiple items

Grdnkln 7 years ago 0

It's incredibly easy to upload large quantities of files and executables into the shared toolbox by dragging / dropping things into the window. Once they are in there, however, they are nearly IMPOSSIBLE to manage. You can only select one item at a time.

Moving / dragging things into folders, and deleting toolbox items has to be done one item at a time, and it takes 3-5 seconds to refresh the window each time you do. This means it will take me hours to clean up the toolbox after inadvertently dragging the wrong folder in.

We need to be able to select, drag and delete multiple items at once from the "Manage Shared Toolbox" window.