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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Restrict "Install Access" (convert support to access session) by Security Role/Permission

HDClown 7 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 1

Currently (as of 6.2), the only way to prevent a user from using "Install Access" on an existing support session--which converts it from a Support Session to an Access Session--is by removing the Security permission "RunCommandOutsideSession".

Given the fact that you have a security option for "BuildAccessInstaller", which can prevent a user from creating an access session installer, it only makes sense that you have the ability to revoke access to convert a session as well

The problem is, the ability to do this is currently coupled to other features, which isn't good.

Please add a new Security permission such as "ConvertSupportToAccess" or "InstallAccess" that can be granularly enabled/disabled.


matrox drivers slowing down connection

Scott L Johnson 7 years ago updated by Ian L-F 8 months ago 3

this seems to be an old issue that was never addressed, Matrox video drivers on serves kill the connection so much it is impossible to work, yes there are work arounds > Blanking the screen or removing the matrox video driver on the server but is there not a solution yet, this issue has been around a very long time. please fix.

we recently started seeing this again lately after updating to 6.2.12963.6312, we have seen this on multiple servers at different locations

anonymous 7 years ago

Hi Scott,

This issue is registered on our bug forum here and internally. We had one user submit a request here that may solve the performance issue you're noticing with matrox drivers, so go ahead and add a +1 as this probably will be the ideal solution. I can make sure that issue is reviewed for prioritization.


Host Disconnection Prompt Pop up Notification for Guest View

Ryan S 7 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 1

If a Host disconnects from a session a prompt message should pop up on the guest screen that can be customized to text. (Similar style to the consent prompt)

"Your "Hostname" has disconnected from your session"

anonymous 7 years ago

Hi Ryan,

You can enable an end-of-session message for access sessions by following the steps in this link:


The support and Meeting end of session pop-up is enabled by default, but you can search for SessionInvalidSessionEndedMessage under Client Resources in the Appearance page to customize the message. You also have the option to add links to the pop-up.


Add "Sample" to Join Session Image

Dustin Billings 7 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 1

Turns out, a great many of our users, when they get the Join Session dialog in Screen Connect, will try and click the image that shows a sample of the run dialog and tell us that Screen Connect doesn't work. Would it be possible to add something like this?


Thank you,

Under Review

Auvik Integration

Jesse Brinson 7 years ago 0

Connectwise Manage and Automate are already integrated. Please consider adding Control to the list.


Reporting by DNS name instead of IP

neal collins 7 years ago updated by Sean White 7 years ago 2

Hi there, it would be very helpful if the ScreenConnect agents would report into the ScreenConnect server using the DNS name instead of the IP address. Right now when the service starts on the server it connects to the server by the DNS name setup in the config but the machine then starts reporting in to the IP address of that name.

The issue is, if we ever have to move the server or change the IP address, none of the machines report in anymore and we have to restart their service to get them working again. We have a DR setup where we basically have an offline copy of the server at another location. When we do a DR test we have a way to fail over DNS which works for LabTech but since ScreenConnect is reporting in by IP, that doesn't work and all the agents go offline.


Show if support session already has an Access Session installed

Bert 7 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 1

If a support session already has an access session installed there is no way to verify other than a manual cross reference search. If the support session would show as also having an Access session then we can quickly clean up the support sessions for those that already have an access session installed


ScreenConnect Client has a Reinstall or Update Option

Colin 7 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 1

On the screenconnect client, can it have a Reinstall or Update Option on it when you right click on the icon when its in the system tray?

This would make it easy for me to reinstall it on the behalf of a customer I am remotely connected be it of a Support or Meeting Type.

(Access now has the convenient right click option on the list on the host#access page . Not sure if this could also be done in the Support and Meeting areas too?)

What do you think?


Update Documentation to describe how to update the local and remote client manually

Colin 7 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 0

I had to ask technical support how to manually update my screenconnect client locally and remotely.

The easiest way is to uninstall it from Add/Remove, which will force it to redownload.

(Also there may need to clear their cache (if using clickonce) by deleting the contents of C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0\ )

However, this option was not described in either of this links:

Nor this link:

Also, the keyword search like "Manual Install" was not able to suggest it either.

Can you please update the documentation accordingly with text and visuals for the benefit of others?

anonymous 7 years ago


Do you happen to have the support ticket #? Manually updating access agents isn't expected behavior. You would only really need to do this if you deployed agents with an unsupported method (i.e. GPO)


Toggle <PrintScreen> Capture On/Off

LouisJJames 7 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 1

Recently,SC now captures the <PrintScreen> and passes it on to the guest. If you are using a 3rd party screen capture, you can no longer do this (unless you take focus off the SC screen).

While SC has the ability to capture screens, it is cumbersome. For example, I print to file my screenshots. With SC, you can only save to file or Clipboard.

I propose the ability to toggle on/off this passing to the guest machine.