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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


deny a user from specific organizations

rda 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 1

my techs have access to all machines, i would like to be able to deny them access to specific groups (organiztions)

anonymous 8 years ago

Hello rda,

Please take a look at this help article:


I hope this will help you.


Warn before disconnecting a session where a file transfer is still in progress

Erik van Putten 8 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 1

When you have a large file transfer going on, it sometimes happens you close the normal session also closing the file transfer session inadvertently.

It would be nice if you a least got a warning that a file transfer is still going on and if you are sure you want to end the main session closing the file transfer as well....

Sometimes this means restarting a hour lasting file transfer again for us.....

Under Review

Ad hoc with ScreenConnect Cloud account

Trevor Watson 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 6

We Would be happy to have Ad hoc incorporated into our ScreenConnect Cloud account so techs can quickly connect to new machines using their same ScreenConnect login.

anonymous 8 years ago


It is possible to bundle support (ad-hoc) and access sessions on an instance if you would like to make a license change sign into your cloud account and select the "Actions" option on the instance.

For more information about our package offerings, take a look at our pricing page here: https://www.screenconnect.com/Pricing

If you would like to find the best plan for you, contact our sales team here: https://www.screenconnect.com/Contact


Build Installer with blank computer name

Trevor Watson 8 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 1

It would be most helpful if when configuring the build installer and the option for Name:> Use Specific Value: is selected and the name was left blank or something like a question mark was inserted, it would then prompt the person running the install to manually type in the name on the fly. For our operation, this would be so very helpful as many of our computers have the same computer name but are located in different enterprises.


2 factor authentication via e-mail

Trevor Watson 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 2

We use 2 factor authentication via e-mail quite extensively. For use with copy paste, it would be much appreciated if the number was on the far right rather than (EOM). Example: Your one-time password is: (EOM) 771644 This way the mouse drag across the 6 digit number would be much easier.

anonymous 8 years ago

Hey Trevor,

You can move the key to the end of the subject line by editing this appearance web resource: EmailAuthenticationProviderSubjectFormat

Switch the {0} and (EOM) around.


Shutdown Unattended Machines

DaMtechMatt 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 3

Can we have a way to shutdown unattended workstations without the need to connect to the workstation first?

Having to do 200 machines, one at a time is a bit of a pain.

David T 7 years ago

...as a workaround you can send the command: shutdown /s /f

using the Commands section. Use the Command Toolbox to remember the command for reuse

Check out other useful things you can do here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1l8fTJBo1Om4G5o7hNYCLNS0kqQoKfysv5CzAaMG11HQ/edit

Add useful commands yourself if you have some not listed :)


Deploy from command line.

Daniel Best 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 1

I would like to have the ability to silently deploy a screen connect installer package from command line on computers we manage.

anonymous 8 years ago

Hey Daniel,

Check out the Client Network Deployer Extension here:


This should help you out. You could also use PSExec in the cmd to push out the MSI.


Increment Access Client version when changed

DaMtechMatt 8 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 1

When we make a change to either the Apperance settings or the App.config I understand that we need to get the clients to re-install to pick up those changes.

However, its not obvious which clients have been re-installed.

Is it possible to have the client version increment slightly when these changes are made, so the older ones are obvious, just like when a new server version comes out?


Toolbox takes a long time to load if you run tool on multiple connections

mhighsmith 8 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 2 years ago 9

if you run a tool on 50+ connections it will take several minutes if you connect to a system for the toolbox to load. It can even be a simple renaming of a file and this behavior happens. using version 6.1, This issue was not happening on 6.0.


Bomgar InSight alternative

Streets IT Dept 8 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 1

I would be great if ScreenConnect included their own version of Bomgar InSight
