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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Considering for Future Release

Send email when user could not login

Zimios 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 1

For example when a user failed to login because of a bad username or password


UnacknowledgedEventCount > 0 is only partly useful as a session group selector

Josh Gay 8 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 2 years ago 7 1 duplicate

UnacknowledgedEventCount > 0 indeed creates a group, but if you want to read the messages before connecting you must go find the session in the other hierarchy, and the moment one clicks the messages button in the interface (6.x for sure), the messages for that session are marked read, and the session is dropped from the list, and because messages is now the flagged function this will repeat until the group is empty or one manages to click another section (hey it could happen if you have enough unacknowledged messages).

Obviously awesome response to have sessions that no longer meet the criteria dropped from most group (I use tbd.msi as my "go to" download that puts the client in "New Sessions" for Access, then I edit, obviously once I change CustomProperty1 it should and does disappear from that group and appear in the right group.

So perhaps this should be addressed in some other manner, but I have session group names that are a little "too long" such that I can't see the green dot after it, so the special group for unack was exciting at the first of the week, then I found the "catch".


Would like to be able to run a tool as an action based on an event

cxgl 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 4 1 duplicate


We would like to be able to run a tool as an action based on an event. I.e.: we have a batch file to delete the remote printers that don't always (read: rarely) clean up after we disconnect. It would be great to be able to run said batch file on a 'SessionDisconnected' event.



Session log to SysLog Server - Compliance Need

Scott Kody 8 years ago updated by LukeF 5 years ago 4

The Ohio Attorney General requires that all remote access activities are logged with the individual who is performing the remote support, along with the machine he is remoting to with current date and time. We currently use a third party vendor's SysLog server to capture and store firewall logs and they are kept for 7 years. It makes sense to use the same vendor to capture and store the remote access logs too. This feature request is to add an option to output session information to a SysLog server.

anonymous 7 years ago


We've built an extension to solve this request, click the link below for more information.



6.0 UI Suggestions

Jesse Brinson 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 3

Make the "machine listing" column more collapsible via swipe (for mobile) or when selecting a session by single touch/mouse-click. Something like this (excuse my horrid photoshopping):


Image 11


Image 12

This would significantly help the mobile version, as well as smaller resolution monitors.

Under Review

Mac - add buttons to Mac Client for monitor selection and submitting Ctrl-Alt-Del

Fernand 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 9

As a primary Mac user it would be great to have interface parity between the Mac client and the Windows client when remotely supporting users.

If parity is a long way off, adding some of the most commonly used functions in a simple tool bar would be a great start... the most urgent ones would be:

  1. Sent Ctrl-Alt-Del
  2. Select monitor/screen
  3. Start Chat
  4. Set display quality
  5. Start File Transfer
Considering for Future Release

SC: Menu shortcut key, faster than mouse. A MUST HAVE!

Peter OTools 8 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 6 2 duplicates

Dear team,

As the 'SC maintenance guy' I use the web-console often, not only to work with it, also to maintain it.

I find out that it would be a great idea/help to have Menu shortcut keys and it would be faster than mouse.

When we right-click menu (any menu even without right click actually), It would be great idea [b]to have any one letter of each option, underlined or Uppercase to denote its use[/b], that letter in your keyboard would do the same effect than choose that option with the mouse.

Also, after EDIT a Session, you are (till now) forced to click the SAVE Session button, you can't hit ENTER, it won't work.

So you are typing with your 2 hands normally I suppose (yep, I'm a 10 fingers typewriter)...and then look for the mouse, ...and move it to the right position and click. With a key you can do many of this things without blinking or move your hands/eyes from position.

When you do it once in a while, or use SC not too often (you wouldn't be here surely), that might be ok.

But when you have any number of pcs, even +50 pcs, I'm telling you: it would be a plus+plus. (we got +1000).

Other type of shortcut key combination would do it too, like, IDK, Crtl + (any letter) do this, and etc, if you got my idea.

Thanks for any comment, I hope this help for the greater SC-awesomeness. [laug
Considering for Future Release

Backup/Restore tool

Xander Warrender 8 years ago updated by russman 4 years ago 3 1 duplicate

It would be nice to have a separate tool to backup all of our settings and everything. Even an officially-made batch file might suffice but it should be able to stop the Hosts services, backup all the databases and everything, save them to a location of our choosing, and restart services. I backup my Quickbooks file and most other things to do with my business on occasion -- it would be a nice to know that, if my installation corrupts somehow (or my main system crashes), that I can restore all my SC personalizations quickly and easily.


Add a 32-bit or 64-bit to Operating System Name in Web UI

Jason Shiflet 8 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 7

It would be great if next to the "Operating System:" value in the Web UI for each agent for it to not only show the OS Name, but also the CPU architecture it's running on (32-bit/64-bit or x86/x64). That way it's easy to identify whether the machine is running in 32 or 64-bit mode.

Screenshot example:

Image 9

Considering for Future Release

Temporarily disable taskbar autohide

Vince Russo 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 3

Nothing is more annoying then connecting to a users computer and they have their windows taskbar set to autohide, (can be annoying on Mac launcher too). Sometimes the mouse thinks i've left the SC window instead just trying to bring up the task bar. I can hit the windows buttion, but on windows 8 machines that brings up metro, sometimes I just want to access the clock or an icon in the system tray.

If there was a way to turn off auto hide while an agent is connected to the machine that would be awesome!