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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Going backstage on one session switches other sessions to backstage as well

jay 2 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 2 years ago 3

Add an option to disable going backstage on all open sessions. It should let us switch to backstage only one session. Right now, it switches all open sessions to backstage when you go backstage on one session to a computer.

Pending Review

Ability to Mute Microphones On Connect by Default

Sean Keown 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 4

A couple days ago we came across an issue where one technician was able to listen to another technicians private conversation he was having with an HR rep. 

What makes it worse is that this becomes a huge security concern. At the moment I'm looking to disable the microphone feature in control altogether, the only downside is that users will no longer be able to check if the setting is on or off once i do this. 

Especially since it will require all users to reinstall their control client first before everyone is locked out which means some users will still be able to turn the feature on for a while while others won't be able to turn it off.. 🤔

To set the mood, We have the following set on our platform.

Image 1076

Scenario A - 

1) A technician connects to a server say (2-3 months ago) and sets All Mics to on. 

Image 1077

2.) Then at some point another technician uses that same session. Unbeknownst to that technician ( A ) anyone on the line (including the customer) can listen to their private conversation they maybe having, this is without the technician doing anything. In our scenario a second technician ( B ) had jumped in and realized they could hear a private conversation going. 

Scenario B -

1.) A technician jumps into a session

2.) Then a second technician jumps into a session. 

3.) Both are working on the same server, either tech could set the ( All Mics ) on and listen in on a conversation not intended for them. 

Image 1075

For anyone else using this product, my recommendation is to either turn this feature off or to check that your microphone is muted (in control) each time you jump into a session. 

Note 2: I understand this is also a training for our end users but i have over 500 users using control and it becomes very difficult to ensure that everyone fully understands what can happen just by remoting into a PC. 

ConnectWise - Give us the ability to mute microphones by default on connect and also set the microphone color to RED to help identify the microphone is HOT. 

Pending Review

customize name of client from screenconnect to company

David RESCUECOM 3 years ago 0

Customize every component including the installer DLL to load the company name variable.


Ability to selectively record sessions or session groups, or at least be able to purge selected session names from Extended Auditing.

Matt Roberg 3 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 3 months ago 1

Currently filling up datastore recording over half the sessions we do not need to record.  Need ability to select which Sessions or Session groups are recorded in Extended Auditing.  Alternatively, we could selectively purge session names that we are not legally obligated to retain.  We cannot set Maintenance Plan actions, as there is pending legal case from 2+ years ago, with session data needed as evidence.

Pending Review

Microsoft teams phone dialing

Sunny Lowe 4 years ago updated by Tommmmm 7 months ago 2

Skype is going away. Teams is here. Add the ability to dial out from MS Teams to CW. Please note: if you simply link the phone numbers in the screen to a Tel: URL, (possibliy with a second Dial Icon) the capability is already in Windows. All you have to do is have Teams Phone system installed, and have the Tel: Protocol tied to execute in MS Teams, and it will work right now.

Pending Review

Remote File Manager

Joe Murray 4 years ago 0

I'd like the ability to use a guest/host file manager beyond the basic file transfer utility already included in the product. Once the guest installs ScreenConnect Client, the host could browse and manipulate the guest PC's file system, much like accessing the Windows File Explorer. This would be browsable by the host through the web console. File transfers between the guest and host could be initiated this way as well. An example of this can be seen in a competing product, LogMeIn Rescue.

Under Review

TOTP implementation is incomplete

4rev4 4 years ago updated by jhardwick 2 years ago 4

The data contained in one of your QR codes for setting up 2FA via TOTP decodes to something like this:


On the other hand, if you enable 2FA on a service like Gmail, the data in their QR code decodes to something like this:


That's URL encoded, human readable is this:


It's pretty plain that you guys are omitting the account information and instead are doing the bare minimum to even make the TOTP QR code work.

This needs fixed. Here is more documentation on the subject: https://github.com/google/google-authenticator/wiki/Key-Uri-Format

So why is this a problem?  The account information helps TOTP apps distinguish between - you guessed it - different accounts! I have two ConnectWise Control instances setup for two different companies, and of course my logins and 2FA are different between them.  However, since the account information isn't part of the URL contained in your QR code, Microsoft Authenticator doesn't have a way to distinguish them.  It thinks I'm trying to update my 2FA for "screenconnect" and obliterates my 2FA for the other account.  Thus it is currently not possible to have multiple accounts for ConnectWise Control setup in Microsoft Authenticator.  I'm forced to use two different Authenticator apps instead.  Also, new users won't be aware of this (like I wasn't!) and they may lock themselves out.  Actually, it's very easy to create a malicious QR code to erase your 2FA code from Microsoft Authenticator.  Just try setting up 2FA with Microsoft Authenticator in control, then scan this code:

Image 767

Boom, your 2FA for ConnectWise Control is now obliterated, and I didn't even need to know your username to do it.  See how bad this is?

You might say "just use Google Authenticator instead of Microsoft Authenticator" - that's not a solution.  There is no method to backup your 2FA codes when you migrate to a new phone, or (worse) break or lose your current phone.  A phone lasts, what two years?  So you're guaranteed to lose access to your accounts if you use Google Authenticator. On the other hand, Microsoft Authenticator provides backup capability and it actually works.

Pending Review

Please add "Installed Software Report" in Report Manager option!

prakash 4 years ago updated by JLT 2 years ago 3 3 duplicates

Please add "Installed Software Report" in Report Manager option!

Pending Review

Linux version updates

adam connor 4 years ago updated by Allen Crist 4 years ago 12


the linux version is now 5 updates behind the windows version. 

I think it's time for an official statement of intent from Connectwise.

We understand the struggle of trying to develop for the crusty version of Mono, but we need to know what's happening, or failing that, what you intend to do, and if possible a target timeline please


Pending Review

Change logo of Remote Workforce Client

eric cheung 4 years ago updated by Dave 2 4 years ago 4

It would be great if we can change the logo of Remote Workforce Client to our company logo.  Since we are using our company logo on our CoonectWise Control website, it is very confusing to our staff\customers if they see another company logo.