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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

record file transfer both directions in event viewer

Josh B 2 months ago 0

I am able to see the event when I transferred a file from the host computer to the remote computer. However, when I received a file from the remote computer, it doesn't get logged that a file was transferred on the remote computer.

Pending Review

Connectwise Control - 64 bit client - WINPE 64bit boot image support

MMLiam 2 years ago 0

Good afternoon,

We are looking to be able to use Connectwise Control within our 64bit WINPE image.

Looking at past feature requests it has been previously discussed and requested years ago but the closing status is listed is "Considering for future release":




Is there a 64bit version of the installer on the road map for Connectwise Control? 

Being able to remotely troubleshoot devices being imaged would be a big improvment for us especially now given more people working remotely.

Kind Regards

Pending Review

Ability to Change Attributes After Deployment

Matt Henry 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 0

We need a way to change the "Site" field for devices after ConnectWise Control has been installed. We have 12 different locations. Our initial deployment set their locations incorrectly. Secondly, we have some devices that change locations from time to time.

If there was some way to set the location of the device by running a command on that device we could easily have the location update based on the user signed in or the IP the device receives. Currently, the only way to modify any attribute programmatically is to uninstall and reinstall with a newly configured MSI.

I envision a basic, lightweight CLI on the remote machines that can be used to modify the attributes of the device (e.g. Site, Department, Tag, etc).

This would also prevent us from having to have 12 different MSIs that each would need to be updated upon new version releases. Having just one installer and then programatically setting the attributes after deployment would be so much better.

Pending Review

Add "retry connection" to SC Client

PODcom 4 years ago updated by Matrix 7 3 years ago 1

We often need to talk our customers through restarting the Windows ScreenConnect Service so that the SC Client will attempt to reconnect to the SC Server (especially if the client has been disconnected for some time).

We understand we can control the retry times through configuration - but we'd like the Customer to be able to initiate this "over the phone" when we ask them, and get an immediate response (now waiting for your host, or connection failed).

Can you add a button (in the Client Status) - only displayed if "waiting to retry", that allows the end user to manually initiate a connection attempt?

Under review

Disable ConnectWise Advertising spam

ThomasR 4 years ago updated by Bas H. 4 years ago 1

There should be an option available to disable ConnectWise's advertising on the Host page.

Example of advertising:

Image 715

Pending Review

Custom Themes for Cloud

GiT 5 years ago 0

We use the cloud hosted instance and would like to make a custom theme.  Previous request was closed stating they could use the Custom Theme Manager extension to do this, but that extension is no longer available.

Pending Review

Change Service Display Name

Sean Keown 5 years ago 0

This might be kinda duplicated but my only request is to allow the display name of the service to be changed.

Instead of ScreenConnect Client (xxxxxxxxxx) maybe change it to <Company Name> Client (xxxxxxxx) 

It would be nice since we've branded everything else in the control and automate product(s).

  • It will also align more with Automate where the service names are branded with our company name. 
  • It would also make it easier when searching for services. i.e, if all the services had our branding then our staff and customers would only have to sort by Service Name when locating services that we installed.  

Control Panel in Backstage

Alex Ramsbey 5 years ago updated by DaveH 1 year ago 5

Hey Team,

So looking into some of the backstage limitations...

You can't open the run window by running: explorer.exe Shell:::{2559a1f3-21d7-11d4-bdaf-00c04f60bf0}

that opens the run dialog box. We are trying to incorporate the control panel into backstage to better assist customers and minimize the interference. To open control panel is the same style of shell command, but alternatively you can simply type: control panel

That will open up the control panel under normal circumstances but currently not in back stage.


Unfortunately, not all applications will work in backstage, and Control panel is one of them. So I have to decline this one as it is not technically feasible.

Under Review

Automatically Hide Banner When in Backstage

Fred 5 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 3 years ago 11

It would be nice if there was an option to automatically hide the banner when in backstage mode or when connecting directly to Backstage mode.

Pending Review

QuickSupportSOS - Unkown publisher

Brian Wildman 6 years ago updated 5 years ago 1

The QuickSupportSOS.exe file is being flagged by windows 10 defender SmartScreen as unsafe due to 'publisher unknown'.  I believe the app should be signed by connectwise control, so that client's suspicions are not aroused by bypassing windows defender.  The image I want to project to my customers is that I use secure, up to date tools to safely connect to their computers.  Telling them to bypass a windows system warning does not look good for either my company, or connectwise control.  On a positive note, the QuickSupportSOS.exe file/method/process is brilliant!  I want to be able to make it easily accessible to anyone who needs our help.  Regards, Brian Wildman