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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Extended auditing improvements

Francois Kenney 8 years ago updated by Martin Old 3 years ago 5

Adding more auditing options like events to be captured, also add fields like host, computer name.

Right now ScreenConnect only has 2 levels of auditing some or all, would be better to have options on what and how it is audited, for example instead of having full video, there could be a system of regular screenshots every X seconds so you can get an idea of what's going on without the full video would also reduce the size of captures alot. This should be in folders with session name and screen captures timestamped.

Under Review

If java isn't installed on Linux guest, have some kind of inditcator

Larry 9 years ago updated by Scott Linak 6 years ago 4

The ScreenConnect service starts just fine and keeps running even though there is no java install. It doesn't close or abort so it can be confusing

Considering for Future Release

Admin Page Sorting

Peter 9 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 13 1 duplicate

I would like sort options added to the 'Users' and 'Roles' sections on the 'Admin' page. It would be helpful to sort by User Name and Role. Thank you in advance for the consideration.


Add drag & drop file transfer to Java client (Linux and Mac)

Michael Legato (Support) 9 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 6

Partner would like the ability to drag/drop files to initiate a file transfer on the Java client (Linux).



Two factor w/AD - add ability to require 2FA per group in AD CW#7572176

Michael Legato (Support) 9 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 9 months ago 4

Partner is using Active Directory authentication, and would like to set up two factor authentication with it. He would like to require two-factor authentication for an entire group that he's created for the AD matching/authentication, which would then allow anyone in that group who has 2fa set up to log in, but prevent anyone that does not have 2fa on their AD profile from logging in.

The problem he is trying to solve for is if one of his technicians is setting a user up in AD and forgets to add in the 2fa creds onto the profile.

The partner suggested that this may be able to be done by having the SC server check the group details and look for a flag in a specified field (similarly to how it checks a field on the specific user account for the 2fa info).


Search all session groups

Steven 9 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 4

Requested on CW#7578110:

Looking for a way to search all session groups. Helpful for when a user has access to multiple session groups, but not the "All Machines" session group, for example.

anonymous 7 years ago

If no search results are found but there are matching search results in other session types, you can click a link to view these results.



Automatic Uninstall Of Client

kcstueber 9 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 9 months ago 13

It would be great to allow for an automatic uninstall/removal of the client after a session. It creates a potential confusion for the client on subsequent sessions when asked to overwrite or rename.


Add a video player to stream extended auditing videos instead of downloading

Mike Bannerman 9 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 9 months ago 12 1 duplicate

Partner request is to provide an option to stream videos directly from the ScreenConnect server vs. downloading the files.


Create removal tool for the ScreenConnect unattended access client

Ryan 9 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 1

To help remove stuck installs, would also be nice to get an MSI version for deployemnt purposes.

Considering for Future Release

Dynamic Custom Properties extension - force the attribute sync on a timer

Connectwise15211 1 year ago updated by Michael Hartmann 1 week ago 5

Please allow the Dynamic Custom Properties extension to force the attribute sync on a timer or some other event automatically. It currently must be run manually for each workstation.

Our use case is to show the current logged in users display name(s), we would like this value to update automatically on each access agent.

