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Mobile App - Needs option to "Send Clipboard to Screen"

Joshu 6 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 2

Surprised this was not already available when a tech said he couldnt paste in password from our password management tool.  As it stands, we have to type in the password manually if checking up on a system from mobile.

Pending Review

Include one Support session in the Access Only Licensing.

AJD Tech 6 years ago 0

I was using the free license which included 3 Access Licenses and 1 Support Session. After deciding I liked the software I decided to purchase the 100 Access license and was disappointed to find out that I lost my 1 Support Session that was included in the free license.

Now I'm stuck. Setting up another account to use the free license for the Support feature is a pain -- forcing me to manage multiple accounts and urls. Since this is the case I'm sticking with Splashtop SOS for my very limited support needs for now. It might just make more sense to move to their product completely.

Please include 1 Support Session in the Access Only Licensing. It seems silly to lose functionality when moving from the free license to paid licensing. 


Don't close session with upper right close box in the title

Miguel Jose Leeuwe 6 years ago updated by Ben 3 years ago 15

I work most of the time in full screen. A lot of times, when trying to close a maximized window, the Connectwise title bar pops up and I close my session instead of my window. This is quite annoying and my colleagues feel the same about this.

Could we disable or move that close box to somewhere else, like adding it to the the menu in the middle of the title bar?

Pending Review

dual monitors

hr 6 years ago updated by Robb 4 years ago 2

I have installed the connectwise app on my Chromebook and it works great.  I'm wondering if I am missing something, though.  I have two monitors.  Upon connection, I see the two monitors across my one screen on my Chromebook.  I know I can use the magnifying glass to increase the size, but the control is a bit clunky (I don't have a touch screen.) Are there any plans to enhance the ability to SWITCH between monitors, as opposed to magnify?

Under Review

Ability to mix licenses

David Geddes 6 years ago updated by Alex Heylin 5 years ago 3

We mostly just use the "Unattended Access" features, and use provide remote worker access to a large number of people.  However, we occasionally do want to be able to conduct a Support session and use some of the features from the "All Inclusive" licenses.

I'd like to be able to pay to allow my technicians a couple of simultaneous support sessions, as an add-on to my otherwise "Unattended access" instance.

Considering for Future Release

Resize columns in Internal Security list

Jerry-BAE Networks 6 years ago updated by Zeke Hansen 5 years ago 4

We've started adding many customer userid's for the Remote Workforce feature.  We use their email addresses as the userid.  Currently we can only see the first 6 characters of the userid and some of our users have duplicates in the first 6 letters.  The ability to resize those columns would be a huge time saver.

Thanks, Jerry

Under Review

Automatically log in after successful multi-factor authentication

Craig Silver 6 years ago updated 5 years ago 6

As a user, I want to be automatically logged in after I complete the last step of a mult-factor authentication process so that I have fewer steps and clicks before I am logged in.

Currently, after completing the final MFA step, CWC still sits at the login screen and we have to click the Login button to actually get into the system. It's a relatively small thing but it helps when we have a relatively short login timeout.

Waiting for information

SAML: Privilege Escalation to SC_Admin by editing App Registration manifest

Darren K 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 4

We currently allow clients to use our Connectwise Control to access their own computers. We have done this using internal accounts with custom roles that limit the machines they are able to see.

With the introduction of SAML and OAUTH they have begun asking if we can add their directories so they don't have to remember additional credentials to our system.

During the process of doing this, it became apparent that the roles these people receive are actually controlled by the approle "value" in the App Registration Manifest which is controlled by my client. 

If they simply replace the role I want them to have with "SC_ADMIN", they become unfettered admins of my Control instance allowing them to take control of any machine in the system. I've already PoC'd this.

Other authentication sources are also likely vulnerable to this type of attack. If we were to connect LDAP to multiple Active Directories, all it would take is for someone to put themselves into a security group called "SC_ADMIN" and they would also be able to gain control.

My recommendation would be to add a field that limits the roles available to a given authentication source.

Under Review

Resend 2-factor code on email/SMS every time

GeorgeERP 6 years ago updated by Sean White 5 years ago 3

If 2 Factor authentication is enabled on email/SMS:

If the user types in their username and password, and get the one-time code. The code will get sent only the first time.

If the user happens to click the back button, or doesn't complete the authentication, then go back to the login and type in your username and password again, the Onetime code does not get emailed.

The only work around right now, is to either restart the Control service, or ask the user to wait for a while, then try again.


Have the onetime code, ALWAYS send the email, regardless of whether it's been sent 2 minutes ago.

Resend 2-factor code on email/SMS every time

Under review

Auto adjust screen for full screen & gradual IN/OUT zoom

Peter OTools 6 years ago updated by djzetter 5 years ago 1

Hi guys,

Wondering if there is already a request here regarding: Auto adjust screen for full screen? I see there some space within full screen and the whole remote screen. By the same token, If I zoom IN, then only option to Zoom OUT is about 100%, 75% and so on. Remote screen is different based on the level of screen resolution is setup already. Computer with HiRes many times need to be zoom IN in order to see small letters as example.

Is it any way to consider a gradual IN/OUT instead by 25% steps?