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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

remove version info http header response

Cuneyt PcDestek 5 years ago 0

Anybody from internet can view your screenconnect version, support advice X-Frame-Options extension  but it isnt work.

Under Review

Consent Required - Set @ endpoint

Trevor Watson 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 1

I have just gone through the options available for Control to setup "Consent Required" as set in ConnectWise Control.  The problem with this is that it still allows the administrator to override the consent restrictions.  We would prefer that the enpoint user have the deciding factor for this feature as set on the agent service.  Once the service is installed on the endpoint, the user should have the ability to right mouse click on the service icon and select some options such as "Consent Required" and also "Enable Consent after X minutes delay".  This would give the endpoint user full control over security and access to their machine.  I might suggest editing these features should be disabled while a connection is established preventing the support agent from modifying them will connected.  

Pending Review

Report to show all users for audit purposes

Kevin Salyers 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 2

I need the ability to run a report to show users for audit purposes.

Pending Review

SOS extension be able to modify the required fields - we'd like to see email removed and just be able to do name only.

pcsupportservices 5 years ago updated by Christy 5 years ago 1

Not liking the change from Remote desktop client to SOS deployer.  Clients are having a hard time with all the additional steps.

Pending Review

iPad VOIP support

JZenner 5 years ago 0

Our employees are using the Connectwise Control Meeting Feature on iPad

and computers for showing some presentations etc..

They asked our IT department if it's possible to use a microphone to

talk with the presentor.

They can hear the presentor speeking, if he uses his computer. But by

their selfs, they cannot talk using the iPad.

I've read that the so called voip feature isn't avaiable on iPad.

(refered to the kb article


Is it possible to implement this feature. In our opinion it would be very usefull and the need to use a computer would be eliminated.

Thank you!
Pending Review

Prompt for Consent to be added for BackStage

Ron 6 years ago updated by Daniel Oakley 3 years ago 1

Requesting for tech accounts with the Prompt for Consent permission enabled to be able to access BackStage and the host machine seeing the prompt to authorize access to the tech account. 

Under Review

Auto-Respond to Message Extension - Add Custom Property1 to Subject

Ginny Perez 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 2


This has been requested in the forum by more than 1 person. I was asked to add this as an official feature request. Here is a link to the forum post with the request.


This would be greatly appreciated. 

Thanks again for an amazing product!!!

Ginny Gramatges


954-998-7337 x0

Pending Review

choosing among multiple monitors

Chad Schoonover 6 years ago 0

Some of my clients have 3 or 4 monitors. It would be very nice if I could check a box for only the monitors I want to view. This would be much better, in my opinion, then my current choice of either 1 monitor or all monitors. Thank you for considering this feature. 

Considering for Future Release


andrew painter 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 2

Add the ability to establish an agentless ssh connection to things such as firewalls and switches.  We manage nearly 1000 of those devices and may have to move to something else that can proxy those connections instead like apache guacamole.


Disable clipboard sharing (or file transfer recording in timeline) in the host client

Ecomation 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 4

We would like to be able to disable the clipboard during a remote session, when copy/pasting a directory with thousands/million files in it, the Timeline gets thousands of events which it can not handle in time locking up our support session.

it seems this 'feature' (and problem for us) was added some time back in 5.5: https://control.product.connectwise.com/communities/1/topics/261-record-file-transfer-in-audit-log

it looks like an duplicate for this request, but it isn't:
