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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Under Review

Change default command language

forevanyeung 5 years ago updated by CraigB 4 years ago 9 1 duplicate

From the Host page, change the default command language to be selectable or configured through advanced configuration plugin (how timeout is configured).


Pending Review

Update client without admin

emily pettitt 5 years ago updated by Paul Youngberg 3 years ago 2

Allow for the ConnectWise Control client (used on support agents' computers to remotely access client computers) to be updated without the agent having local administrator rights to their computer. Update it as a service.

Pending Review

Remote wipe

Hal 5 years ago 0

It  would be nice if there was a remote wipe extension. 

Under Review

Customize Chat Window Options

Karama 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 4 years ago 6

Would like the ability to increase font size, change color, and have an option for "Always on Top" so i don't have to move it around when opening Windows and chatting with the end user

Under Review

Login Alert's via email

Sean Keown 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 1

I need to ability to receive login and security alerts from control / automate hosted instances the same way that control hosted instances are sent out. 

For example, when logging into name.hostedrmm.com no email alert is sent but when logging into name.screenconnect.com the following email is sent out.

Please include this functionality in all instances of control not just the one's hosted by screenconnect's cloud environment. We need all the security we can get nowadays. 

Image 533

Pending Review

Automatically Stretch Session (NOT change resolution) to Maximum Height of Local PC Screen

Roland Lewis 5 years ago updated by Jim Massarelli 2 years ago 1

View at Connection
Desired View

I understand there are already several feature requests for something similar (links below), but I believe these are asking for ability to change resolution of session.  I'm not asking for that.  For one thing that seems like more of a technical challenge.  I think this one might be a "quick win".  I'm asking that the ability be added that would automatically * stretch * the size of the remote session to match the local PC monitor, giving priority to the vertical.  In other words, I don't want to go full screen.  I just want the remote session to maximize the vertical on my local screen.  I understand that I can simply drag the edge of the session and stretch myself, but it is quite a pain to have to do this dozens of times per day.  And, it takes 2 drags--drag top then drag bottom, or reposition window then drag.




Pending Review

Notification of build upgrades

cpohts 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 2

I'm on your hosted cloud and my instance upgrades automatically.  I'm ok with that but it would be helpful to know when the new build is release/installed and what changes occur.

Pending Review

backstage logging

MBA 5 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 4 years ago 1

Backstage DOES NOT have any type of log capabilities, meaning if someone connects via backstage there is no way to know.  I confirmed this with Automate support after verifying it myself manually.

Logging is part of legal and regulatory compliance, what is the ETA to get logging in place for this feature?



We do have log capability even at the backstage and can be seen it in 'Admin > Audit'. There are two types of it, Basic Auditing would help you fetch a report on all sessions from a specified time range. Whereas Extended auditing will return the same information as a basic auditing query, but it will also automatically record a video of each session. You can refer below link for more information.


Pending Review

Ability to disable end a of Support session's dialog box telling the user the session has ended.

ITtech 5 years ago updated by Lyle Epstein 2 years ago 4

There are times that I leave a Support Session open for days and then when I end it, the client freaks cause they think I was watching what they were doing for days. Please allow us to disable the box that appears to the client after I have ended my Support Session.

Pending Review

Ability to trigger a report for a machine offline for an extended time

Jeff M 5 years ago updated by Tim Dickson CV 5 years ago 1

We would like to be notified of an offline machine that's been disconnected for an extended (Days) period of time. The current limitations of the trigger section only allows for a few minutes. This is not long enough to stop false reports due to computers rebooting or disconnecting for regular maintenance.