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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Considering for Future Release

Disable Control banner for certain user groups

MSunderhaus 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 6 2 duplicates

Some users in our environment would benefit from being able to remote into machines without displaying the controlled by banner.  I think you should be able to dictate who requires the banner and who does not.  

Considering for Future Release

Add triggers for idle time and logoff events

cps 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 2

Frequently we are waiting on a user to stop using their machine so that we can conduct some pending work. Even when requested to notify us when they are done, often the user will neglect to do so. The result is that we need to continually check and re-check to see if the computer is yet available. If we fail to check frequently enough, the user may well shut down the computer for the day and we need to try again the next day, and the cycle continues.

Solution: add two trigger events: IdleThresholdMet and Logoff. An event can trigger if the computer has been idle for some number of minutes, or if the current user logs off of the computer. The IdleThreshold might looks something like this:

Event.EventType = 'IdleThresholdMet' AND Session.IdleTime > 10

The event is triggered when the computer in question has been idle for a number of minutes exceeding a threshold amount set in config settings (let's say the system default is 3 minutes). The subsequent check of Session.IdleTime allows fine tuning to the needs of a particular session.


integration with ServiceDesk Plus

behi 7 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 1

The integration of  ServiceDesk Plus with ConnectWise helps partners to automatically and periodically update configuration information in ConnectWise, thereby eliminating the need for manual entry. If the partner wishes to monitor the end systems, the integration converts monitoring alerts into service requests so that the partner can continue to use the ConnectWise operating system to perform day-to-day service management functions.

"Automation is the key to success for managed services business and the MSP Center Lite/ConnectWise integration helps MSPs overcome the cumbersome task of manually having to raise a ticket in help desk software whenever an alarm is raised in the IT management software and clearing the alarm when the ticket is closed," said Dev Anand, Product Manager at ManageEngine. "By seamlessly integrating the disparate systems, we help MSPs overcome these hurdles for a richer and better remote systems management experience.

Pending Review

Refresh guest info on user login

L Ron 7 years ago updated by Matthew Pendleton 4 years ago 2

I would like there to be an option for a user login to automatically instigate a refresh of the guest info. This will remove the delay that currently exists in determining what machine a user is logged into.

Under Review

Command Toolbox output enhancement

cps 7 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 1 1 duplicate

I love the Command Toolbox extension, however I suggest a couple of enhancements to make it even better and more powerful.

Right now when a command is run from the Command Toolbox, the command is issued via the Commands tab and the output is directed there, although the view is set back to the Start tab. This is fine for an occasional one-off command, but really quite awkward for intensive regular use.

Request #1: When a command is issued from Command Toolbox for a single selected computer, direct the output (or a copy of the output) to a pop-up window.

Request #2: When a command is issued from Command Toolbox for a multi-computer selection, pipe the output from each computer to a log file, then pop up a window and display the combined results (or optionally save the resulting log to some accessible location for future viewing, or email it to a designated email address).

For example, suppose I have a command to show the local IP address as follows:

Command Name:  Show Local IP

Command: ipconfig | findstr "IPv4"

Now suppose I select 100 computers and then run this command on the selected group. As it stands now, I have to individually click on the Commands tab for each of the 100 computers, one at a time, to see the result, and if I want to analyze the results as a group I need to copy / paste each output into a file, or write it down on paper, or some similarly ugly approach.

On the other hand, with Request #2 above, the output for each computer would be piped and appended to some log file, e.g.,








and upon completion, a pop-up window displays the content of the log file, or emails it to the tech who issued the command.

Under Review

Display more active connection information: LAN + wi-fi

shawnkhall 7 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 1

Request: Display additional device active internet connection information on "General" tab near "Network Address":

   LAN: LAN or connection name (wmic.exe nic where "NetConnectionStatus=2" get NetConnectionID)

   Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi SSID (Netsh WLAN show interfaces)

  Local IP: <local IP address>

Considering for Future Release

customer login

michael 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 2

I would love to be able to offer my clients access to their systems. Can you all look into a licensing model that would allow a lower pricing model for client access as opposed to technician. A hybrid licensing model. 

For instance: 
1 technician license for standard + multiple one licenses hosted on the same server instance. 

Each license would be assigned to a user to maintain licensing compliance. Or assign a type of license to a user for them to share. This would keep with the current license model of one tech from one location per license. I would purchase say 3 one licenses for client use. Assign the one license group to the user's login and they would all share the pool of 3 licenses. Similar to how it works for a tech license now. 

It's much easier to sell access to my clients with the software already installed than to have multiple remote access utilities on the workstations.

I can probably sell a $20/month license as a month to month over $42. Pricing can be lower as they will not be using the services often and will probably never use the support feature. Maybe even sell it is an access only subscription for $15 with 1 session per license and $20 for 2 sessions. Customers don't need more. Maybe have an add-on for meetings. 


Yes, I am well aware I can have multiple instances, but why would I want to install multiple agents to the workstation? 

Pending Review

Password for specifics session

Mitchell 7 years ago updated by clinet 6 years ago 2
Considering for Future Release

software audit and filtering

Mendel Gottesman 7 years ago updated by Terry B 2 years ago 4

Its great that I can filter my computers by OS and see which computers are still running old OS's and which need to be updated.  I would love the same functionality with installed software titles.  

so for example, if we've migrated to a new antivirus platform and i need to know which computers in our enterprise are not yet updated, a software filter would help me find that.  or to see which computers are still running Office 2003 and not yet on our latest version.


Considering for Future Release

Maximize Control Across multiple screens

Avinash 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 2

Let's say I have 2 monitors and I remote into a workstation with 2 monitors, when I maximize the Control Window, it maximizes on one of my monitors, not both. I can drag the window to fit across my screen or separate and expand each monitor. However, it is very annoying and time consuming. 

Would it be possible to add a button to expand across all monitors?