Your comments

As of 19.4, the host client now includes a toggle to control clipboard sync!

Hi Phil, 

Apologies, our updates to Mono were not in our 19.4 release. They should be available soon!



Hi Emily, 

Are you referring to the access agent? Using the Advanced Configuration Editor, you can set access clients to automatically upgrade when the server has been updated to a new version. 

Hi PGPTech, 

On Windows machines, you'll see the option in the host client to "change folder" for your personal toolbox. You can remap your personal toolbox to the shared drive. Note that this is for your personal toolbox only, not the shared toolbox. 

Hope this helps!


Sorry, the above post is incorrect. This remains a feature request!

Hi Peter, 

Did you know you could disable the connection banner? Wondering if you'd rather disable the connection banner all together, or if you still want to see it, just in a different place? Thanks!